November 23, 2018

Taking Stock- NOVEMBER 2018

Feeling : Overwhelmed with grief. I still can not believe my dad is gone.

Drinking : Everything Non-alcoholic this holiday season.

Waiting : To Exhale- The 1995 movie starring Angela Bassett & Whitney Houston encompass my current mood

Listening : Jazzy Hip Hop and a young fellow here in the Boston area called Caleb McCoy

Considering : A change in scenery both temporary (vacation) or permanently ( relocating)

Hoping : To still achieve some left over goals for 2018 as the year wraps up.

Needing : A lot of emotional support and healing

Learning : How to ask for help because I am not an island and I cannot do life by myself.

Questioning : The meaning of life in that kind of way one does when you're blindsided with unexpected circumstances

: About the "Next Step". I came to Boston 7 years ago. I didn't think I'll be here that long but here we are. Now what?

Opening :  up  to the idea of therapy in general and grief counseling to be specific

Embracing : My perfect imperfections and giving myself permission to be selfish-sometimes

Enjoying : It's been hard to deeply & thoroughly enjoy anything. I have an acute awareness of  my humanity and how it can all be gone in a blink of an eye. On one hand the thought is a liberating reminder that life is short so make the best of it. On the other hand it feels like nothing matters. All the hard work, the effort, the stress....what does it all amount to anyways?

Buying : Nothing. Opting out of the holiday madness. I've really been working on curving my spending habits this year.

Wearing: old Oversized sweaters, leggings, cozy socks and comfy boots. That is my winter uniform.

Noticing : Who's stock around to help me during these dark times and who has gone awol.

Drawing : a line in the sand when it comes to bad habits, toxic relationships, unhealthy self inflicted pressures to be successful.

Grateful: For my Boston communities and friendships. When I first moved to this city, I didn't make any effort to make new friends. I was desperately trying to hold on to my crazy past life in Atlanta. I'm glad I stopped doing that and started being very intentional about plugging into a community here. As they say, you don't know what you don't know. Today am more blessed and have had more exciting life experiences because I choose to let go of my past and my past defination of living an exciting life.

Happy Holidays!🍂🍂🍂

August 18, 2018

Current Mantra: My God is a God of Order

How am surviving the tail end of August.
aka the mantra I've been repeating all day everyday to just get by especially this weekend.

My God is a God of Order.
HE is never late.
He is always on time.
All my needs are met.
Because HE says so in HIS words according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus

August 17, 2018

Flipping my Perspective

As I mentioned in my previous blog post,
am dealing with a lot of conflict resolutions 
(or at least attempting and partially succeeding in it).

I am trying to change my perspective in the hopes that it will help me to understand other points of views.

My word for July and now August was Surrender.

 but am also adding for the fall season

Focus and Consistency

I need to be consistent with my running plan and I need to focus and meet all the major deadlines I have in August.
 I cannot afford to be distracted.

What is your theme for the month of August as we transition from summer to Fall. I can't believe summer is almost over. This one went by way to fast for me. Too much happened too soon. 
This year is definitely going to be one I remember for the rest of my life.

p.s this is not a how to perform a headstand post. Nor is it a good depiction of one. Obviously my head stand game needs a  lot of improvement.

August 3, 2018

Yoga Pose for Runners : Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)

 Low Lunge Pose

Muscles Engaged
  • Quadriceps - Specifically the Rectus Femoris
  • Sartorius 
  • Glutes
  • The iliopsoas muscles - The strongest flexors of the thigh
I love this stretch because it helps me open not just the muscles of my legs but my whole body. 

In a sense, it's a full body stretch.

Lately, I've been stretching not just my lower body muscles but my mind. 
Life has been challenging me to find room to compromise in situations that I feel very strongly about not compromising.

How do you find a middle ground? 
How do you find a way to work with others who's life philosophy greatly contradicts yours?
Something has to be compromised. 
Both parties have to come to a resolution.

At first there was a lot of  push back & resistance on my end.
But once I thought it through, I realized, this is a temporal situation that has a deadline. 

So am going to surrender, knowing that this is not just about me and what I want and how I want things to be down.
 I have to honor and respect the voices and opinions of others even if it contradicts mind. 

With the greater understanding that this particular situation is not just about me.

July 23, 2018

5 Tips for Exercising on the Road

It's that time of the year for family or solo summer vacation trips.
Life on the road can quickly get unhealthy if you don't plan ahead of time to stay healthy and  fit.

Or maybe like me, you just travel alot for work.

Here are 5 ways I stay active on the road whether am heading to a city like New York where the hotels for sure have a gym or am roughing it out in the jungles of Maine and Vermont.

1. Planning 
Call the hotel ahead of time or look on their website to confirm that they have a fitness center or pool. I always call because sometimes they might be closed for specific seasons or under construction. Some hotels with no fitness center have affiliations with a local gym where hotel guests can get a free pass to workout.

2. Preparation
Always pack a workout attire and shoes. I also always bring a swimsuit because swimming is such a good and relaxing full body workout.

3. Bring Your own Equipment. It could be a workout dvd, some free weights, yoga blocks or in my case, a jumping rope. Most hotels have graduated to smart tvs in the rooms. This is a great options because you'll have access to youtube and plenty of online workout videos.

4. Get creative. Sometimes even with the presence of a gym I don't feel like being caged in a room ( hotel gyms are notorious for being small). I get creative by choosing to instead do the hotel stairs. The taller the building the better the workout.

5. Go Local Before your trip, look up information about the city or town you're visiting. Is there a local park you can visit, a hiking or jogging trail? A mountain to climb? That way you can combine being a tourist with staying active.

I hope you found these 5 tips useful. If you have other tips that I did not list please mention them in the comment section below or send me an email at

Also don't forget to check out my Instagram handle @fitpaysangirl for more healthy lifestyle tips.

I am always looking for ways to maximize working out on the road.

July 13, 2018

Watermelon with my magic bullet

Did you know that watermelon
 is over +90% water and just about 6% sugar?

So if you're like me... you don't mind drinking water but every now and then you want to spice things up, try making some simple watermelon juice.
I prefer it blended as a drink because I do not like the solid texture.

The simpler the better. Because for me, once you start adding more ingredients* to the recipe you're deviating from its natural taste* and nutritional value. 

To keep up with what am up to on the daily, don't forget to follow me on instagram at @fitpaysangirl.

Have a great weekend!

Stay Hydrated!

July 6, 2018

Yoga Pose for Running: Uttanasana

Standing Forward Fold

Muscles Engaged:
1. Hip muscles 2. Hamstring muscles 3. Calf muscles

This pose takes away the pressure of standing upright from your neck.  Also some people find it relaxing because with your head below your heart, blood rushes to your brain. This sudden extra supply of oxygen has been known to reduce stress and anxiety.

I can see how it may seem uncomfortable when you're new to yoga and your ability to reach your ankles may be difficult or slightly uncomfortable. For me I find this stretch to be relaxing and ofcourse if you have any back pain or spine injuries please consult with your primary care before attempting this movement.

*Tip: You can also perform the forward fold sitting down.

Save 40.0% on this Posture Corrector with promo code 40OWX72G, through 7/31 while supplies last.

July 3, 2018

Running as movement therapy

“Start somewhere today. 

Don’t put it off. 

You can do something no matter how ‘small’ you think it is in terms of your long-term goal. 

Every step you take is one you’ll be thankful for when you get there. 

Remember: You’re lapping everyone who’s still on the couch”

_Caressa Sharp


June has ended with me on the floor of my good friend's living room, sipping ginger tea and wailing at the unproductive & fruitlessness of my life at the moment.

I am not meeting my life goals.
I am a corporate wellness consultant who is struggling with losing weight and working out.
Even though I have a graduate degree in my field, I'm having major imposter syndrome.
I am not putting to action my plan of action.
I mean what's the point of having a to do list and a game plan if you're not going to put it in practise?
I have YET to complete my vision board **Jesus take the wheel** lol

As I evaluate the first half of 2018 and all it's misfortunes, one ray of sunshine, one hope that I can hold on to is that, every day I am alive and healthy, is the gift of a second chance, a new beginning, an opportunity to Get Up & Try Again.

In November 2012, I wrote a blog post about Not Giving Up  . I have gone back and reread it as a gentle reminder for myself. 

So that't what I'm doing this July.

I'm getting back into running. 

I'm not going to be scrambling around trying to attend a bunch of fitness classes all month.

I am simply getting back just into walking & running.

And I also want to focus on running as therapy, nutrition for running and yoga for running. 

Everything about July will be an attempt to jump start my relationship with running.

The reason for starting here is because running has always been my confident booster. Each mile i can overcome pain to accomplish strengthens my mental muscles* and gives me the confidence that I can apply the same will power in my everyday life issues.

What are your goals for July? Besides barbecuing on july 4th?
Let me know in the comment sections below .

Don't forget to Follow me on Instagram : @Fitpaysangirl

June 1, 2018

Dead to Blogger: Podcast is the New uncharted territory

I was listening to a podcast and the author and guest speaker both agreed that it is pointless to start a blog in this day and age.

I have to mention that they were referring to people who want to monetize their blog not people like me who blog as a hobby.

Even as someone who blogs just for the fun of it, sometimes I wonder if it's time to step away from the keyboard.

I haven't blogged consistently in a while.

I still have not bought a new computer!
I mean , why haven't I bought a new computer? It's not like I cant afford to buy one, I have just been putting it off, because I low key don't care to own one?
Also my iphone is not helping because I do everything on it for my other social media platform (Instagram).

It's so easy to juggle everything on a phone with a good camera instead of the whole file transfer to a computer to be edited and uploaded to a blog post life. 
I just "aint about that life" these days

So today I find myself wondering, should I quit my blogger and step into the world of podcasts?

The reason I have stayed away from Youtube is because I am very camera shy. Podcast solves that problem. I can hide behind the mic and all you will have to go on will be my voice.

Does anyone still read blogs?

May 18, 2018

Congratulations Class of 2018

Dear graduation class of 2018 , you are not a tree . I repeat you are not a tree

Get up and Go. 

Don’t waste too much time trying to save enough money or have the perfect plan. 

Just do it.  

7 years ago with a cheap paper road map I bought at the gas station , I drove a big uhaul truck solo with no gps from Atlanta to Boston with a quick stop over in turnup city Baltimore Maryland lol..because why not.

Best career move I ever made even though I was scared shitless in that moment & didn’t know anyone in Boston . 

It is hard making new positive friends in a new city if you're not in college.
It was even harder because I was the youngest person in the office at my first job in Boston.
I had to learn to be the one to initiate relationships. I had to "put myself out here".

So I joined networking groups like " Africans in Boston", a church to plug in to, Boston Bloggers groups, fitness groups and found several soccer teams to play on and the rest as the say history. 

Shout of to
It's such a great tool for people who are new to a city and are looking for new friends.
And even if you're not new to a city, its a great way to meet people who share similar hobbies with you

 If your goals don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough .

 Congratulations !!!!  On graduating. 

The world  is your playground .

 Use that awesome  American Passport with all its free, no visa required travel perks and go see the world  before everyone gets mad at us because of our president and then we now have to apply for visas to travel lol.

Chili My Way

Instead of doing a chili recipe, I am going to talk about how I like my chili. Chili is one of those meals you can have in any season.
In the winter time I like my chili chunky and spicy. The spice helps to elevate my body temperature and keep me warm in the cold weather. 

In the summertime, I like it light  and full of flavor.

 During the spring and fall weather, am much more experimental with it adding signature seasonal flavours like curry, pumpkin and etc

I cook chili when am looking for an all you can eat healthy comfort food to appease my emotional state.

I cook chili when I've ran out of time to get groceries and I have to make do with my sparse pantry.

I cook chili using leftovers.

How to cook Chili

My favourite way to cook chili is in a crock pot because am a lazy cook with a busy work schedule. There's nothing better than dumping everything into a crockpot in the morning and coming home to a house smelling of cooked food ready to go for dinner.

Another medium to cook chili is over a stove.

I'm not sure you can cook it in the microwave unless you're just heating up a store bought canned or frozen pre cooked version.

What's in my Chili 

The basic foundations of a good chili meal is the Chili Pepper itself, proteins, vegetables and seasonings based on your palate.

Proteins: I actually prefer my chili with NO MEAT. Adding beans to chili can be a great substitution for meat. When I do use meat, I rely on ground turkey.

I will like to add that the original** chili recipe that came from south america DID NOT include beans.That is why famous regions like Texas do not put beans in their chili recipe. Just Meat + Chili.

Carbs (Starchy Vegetable) : I love corn. Corn usually dominates my chili more than any other grain.

Vegetables: Onions, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Celery

Chili Companions

I do not eat my chili with anything. I like it just as it is.
But if you must, you can eat your chili with corn chips, bread slices, rice, tubers like potato, yam,  plantains and etc?

I like my chili plain with no whip cream, no cheese but 
YEEEEES to Avocado!


For more information about this favourite south american dish that was transplanted to america, please visit
Yes, that's a thing.
Yes they do national and international chili cook offs.

will take place in
Saint Louis 28th- 30th

Traditional Red adult champion earns $25,000 
Homestyle adult champion earns $20,000

May be we should all sign up and try to earn some extra cash

March 23, 2018

Is Self Love Destroying Relationships

As we all know it by now 
SELF LOVE is the motto of 2018.

Self love, Self care, Self esteem, self preservation.
You can't pour out of an empty cup mantra

And while I wholly agree with all of that, but have we tipped the balance? Just like we do with everything?

When it comes to relationships
 [ friendships-love-family-work etc] 
it all takes compromise.

My question is ; 

Where is Compromise in this new Self Love era?

Where is Sacrifice

Where is Forgiveness?

Is this why relationships/marriages are no longer working in this self-love climate? Where your self love supersedes the needs of your union?


 I don't have the answers. 

I'm just reflecting on my observations and trying to figure out where the balance lies.

Because at the end of the day, 
no man is an island, 
we need each other,
 we were built for relationships in all its forms.

February 19, 2018

Taking Stock- FEBRUARY 2018

Oh my goodness!
Where did february go?!
In retrospect maybe I should feel grateful that I've been busy with work and life that the month has almost slipped by unnoticed!
Since we have 9 days left in the month, I wanted to do a blog post on what ive been up to lately.

Reading: Love: The Way to Victory by Kenneth .E. Haggin

Drinking: Lemon Zinger Tea with Honey. I am really trying to cut back on my caffeine intake and limit it to the days I work at 5am in the morning.

Cooking: Anything that can be thrown into a crock pot. 

Waiting: EXCITINGLY to go see BLACK PANTHER!!!!! (Am going this Wednesday)

Listening: To podcasts on my long commutes. I'm just now getting into it. I will do a blog post about what I listen to some other time. Right now am listening to a lot of life motivational lectures and some comedy stuff in between.

Feeling: Tired. It's been go go go lately. And while I appreciate the work opportunities, I need to figure out a healthy balance to nurture my body.

Wanting: A  budget friendly vacation in a sunny city like Miami, Florida.

Embracing: My singleness especially during this valentine season.

Celebrating: The little victories. The everyday miracles. As Christians, sometimes we're busy holding our breathes for the magical BIG miracles that we loose sight of the every day small but significant moments. That car you swerved away from on the high way, that customer service rep who waived a fee for you, that free food you received when money was tight etc. I want to be aware and celebrate every small victory that happens to me daily.

Getting: Back into a consistent workout schedule. That is definitely something I've been doing right for this month. Planning my days and weeks ahead of time and making working out a priority as part of my day.
Loving: How the year is going so far for me and the new friendships am opening myself up to.

Hoping: To accomplish my financial goals for this month. That am moving in the right direction of my purpose.

Buying: I am looking into buying some plants and section furniture for my home. I need the plants to be highly resistant to heat because I keep my heater on 24/7 during this winter months.

Questioning: What is really going on in America? Another mass shooting in Florida leaving 17 dead and others injured. And people thinking the solution is to arm teachers? My desire to home school my future children only grows stronger by the year.

Pondering : The Male Perspective of the "me too" movement. I'm wondering if this will turn into a "weapon" that disgruntled women will use to tarnish the life and reputation of any man who crosses them. We see it happening in child support and custody cases. And even in some rape cases by jilted lovers. As some one with 4 brothers and many male relatives, I just want to make sure the innocent male perspective is protected. As a society we're making a blanket assumption that no woman lies*.

Watching: Stranger Things and Black Mirror on Netflix. But I don't know about black mirror, I haven't liked the recent episodes as much as the original ones.

Looking: For a new perfume scent in preparation for spring

Giggling: over social media memes to pop culture. Who are these internet comedians? They all need awards and recognition for their daily does of laughable moments.

Opening: My heart to the joys of dating and falling in love again.

Admiring: Single Parents and how they juggle it all and maintain their sanity.

Deciding: That my feelings are not facts. That at the end of the day I need to find it in me to do what needs to be done to get to where am going and not be my own road block because of emotions.

That's all I have for today.
Let me know if you resonate or disagree with any of  my points.
And don't forget I'm on  Instagram as @fitpaysangirl

January 27, 2018

Book Review: One Perfect Word by Debbie Macomber

Instead of doing a book review, I decided to answer some of the questions from the guided questions geared towards a reading group. Please keep in mine this is MY PERSPECTIVE on  the questions being asked.

I consider myself a reading group of me + all my blog readers ok?

Link to the complete list of questions Here

Q. In 1977, the word that kept cropping up for Debbie was the word desire. What does that word conjure up for you? If you could name one desire—a secret dream—for your life, what would it be? (Don’t be afraid to dream big.)

To own/run my own wellness center.

QIn 2004, Debbie was surprised by the word that came to her: surrender. Have you ever been surprised by something God seemed to have in store for you? How hard is it to surrender to His agenda? When we work so diligently to keep control, is it scary to consider surrender? What does it take to get there?

The way I have come to understand surrender is through obedience. I have always wondered, can you obey without surrendering? And how will that look like? 

It's like obeying a set of instructions and completing the task in your own method instead of what the instructions said to do. 

Does the end justify the means if the focus is the end product and not the process?

Where does disobedience fit into this?  I want to get to my goals the way God wants me to, not by my own will, might or ability to hustle +  acrobating my way into it.

QWhen you saw that Debbie picked the word obedience in 1998, what was your reaction? It’s not exactly a motivational word, is it? Debbie says, “We need to recognize that if we ignore His rules, there will be consequences.” Why is obedience so difficult for us, especially when we consider that it will save us untold chaos?

I've always stated that I cannot obey where I lack trust. I think obedience is difficult for me because I like to be in control. HOWEVER, when I'm in an environment where my trust is nurtured and I feel safe, I have no problem obeying or surrendering or submitting. From a Christian perspective obedience is hard because the flesh is weak, the temptations are many and we don't like to make the sacrifices that obedience sometimes calls us to make.

QDuring one of the toughest years in Debbie’s life, her word was brokenness. Look back over your life. Was there a year that seemed to reflect that theme, even if you didn’t intentionally choose it? How did God work through that with you?

My two years of brokenness so far have been 2011 and 2016. One for abruptly relocating to a new city with no job or friends. The second for losing myself in a situation I had no business investing in to begin with. In my case, God is still working on me but I definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel this 2018.
 It's going to be a great year! I can just feel* it .
If you have any book recommendations for me please don't forget to list them in the comment section. Below I have included a link to some of the books I read recently