November 12, 2019

Apple Picking at Smolak Farms

Disclaimer: I ended up buying a bag of apples from the farm for like$10 and split it with a friend because there were no apples left for picking.

The highlight of Smolak farms for me was their boutique store and the ice cream store.

I had to exercise ALOT of restrain in the store to stop myself from buying up all the donuts and all the other quaint baking type stuff and touristy souvenirs in the store. It also didn't help that while it was slightly chilly outside, the store was arm and cozy,  filled with the aroma of apple cider and baked doughnuts.

The apple picking on the other hand left little to be desired. Now I understand that going at the end of October, which is the tale end of the season, is not the best time to go. 
This was my first time going apple picking .
All the pictures I have seen on the internet made it seem like it was such a cool experience to have? 

I didn't quite enjoy it. Perhaps this is an activity that children might find more fascinating than adults. I mean , at the end of the day, you are paying to walk through a farm and go through the effort of fighting with tree branches just to pluck an apple?

I guess this is something a city dweller might find fascinating.

The smell and sight of fallen (rotten) apples, also did not make the experience a good one for me. Again it was a reminder to me not to come at the end of the season if I ever do this again.

The farm also had a section for animals. I personally don't understand why people find it exciting to see a goat and chicken. I was excited to see the llamas and baby deers but the domestic animals and birds? really? They do not belong in a "zoo"....Zoos are for wild animals and exotic creatures  not house pets.

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