March 23, 2018

Is Self Love Destroying Relationships

As we all know it by now 
SELF LOVE is the motto of 2018.

Self love, Self care, Self esteem, self preservation.
You can't pour out of an empty cup mantra

And while I wholly agree with all of that, but have we tipped the balance? Just like we do with everything?

When it comes to relationships
 [ friendships-love-family-work etc] 
it all takes compromise.

My question is ; 

Where is Compromise in this new Self Love era?

Where is Sacrifice

Where is Forgiveness?

Is this why relationships/marriages are no longer working in this self-love climate? Where your self love supersedes the needs of your union?


 I don't have the answers. 

I'm just reflecting on my observations and trying to figure out where the balance lies.

Because at the end of the day, 
no man is an island, 
we need each other,
 we were built for relationships in all its forms.

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