May 18, 2018

Chili My Way

Instead of doing a chili recipe, I am going to talk about how I like my chili. Chili is one of those meals you can have in any season.
In the winter time I like my chili chunky and spicy. The spice helps to elevate my body temperature and keep me warm in the cold weather. 

In the summertime, I like it light  and full of flavor.

 During the spring and fall weather, am much more experimental with it adding signature seasonal flavours like curry, pumpkin and etc

I cook chili when am looking for an all you can eat healthy comfort food to appease my emotional state.

I cook chili when I've ran out of time to get groceries and I have to make do with my sparse pantry.

I cook chili using leftovers.

How to cook Chili

My favourite way to cook chili is in a crock pot because am a lazy cook with a busy work schedule. There's nothing better than dumping everything into a crockpot in the morning and coming home to a house smelling of cooked food ready to go for dinner.

Another medium to cook chili is over a stove.

I'm not sure you can cook it in the microwave unless you're just heating up a store bought canned or frozen pre cooked version.

What's in my Chili 

The basic foundations of a good chili meal is the Chili Pepper itself, proteins, vegetables and seasonings based on your palate.

Proteins: I actually prefer my chili with NO MEAT. Adding beans to chili can be a great substitution for meat. When I do use meat, I rely on ground turkey.

I will like to add that the original** chili recipe that came from south america DID NOT include beans.That is why famous regions like Texas do not put beans in their chili recipe. Just Meat + Chili.

Carbs (Starchy Vegetable) : I love corn. Corn usually dominates my chili more than any other grain.

Vegetables: Onions, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Celery

Chili Companions

I do not eat my chili with anything. I like it just as it is.
But if you must, you can eat your chili with corn chips, bread slices, rice, tubers like potato, yam,  plantains and etc?

I like my chili plain with no whip cream, no cheese but 
YEEEEES to Avocado!


For more information about this favourite south american dish that was transplanted to america, please visit
Yes, that's a thing.
Yes they do national and international chili cook offs.

will take place in
Saint Louis 28th- 30th

Traditional Red adult champion earns $25,000 
Homestyle adult champion earns $20,000

May be we should all sign up and try to earn some extra cash

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