November 23, 2018

Taking Stock- NOVEMBER 2018

Feeling : Overwhelmed with grief. I still can not believe my dad is gone.

Drinking : Everything Non-alcoholic this holiday season.

Waiting : To Exhale- The 1995 movie starring Angela Bassett & Whitney Houston encompass my current mood

Listening : Jazzy Hip Hop and a young fellow here in the Boston area called Caleb McCoy

Considering : A change in scenery both temporary (vacation) or permanently ( relocating)

Hoping : To still achieve some left over goals for 2018 as the year wraps up.

Needing : A lot of emotional support and healing

Learning : How to ask for help because I am not an island and I cannot do life by myself.

Questioning : The meaning of life in that kind of way one does when you're blindsided with unexpected circumstances

: About the "Next Step". I came to Boston 7 years ago. I didn't think I'll be here that long but here we are. Now what?

Opening :  up  to the idea of therapy in general and grief counseling to be specific

Embracing : My perfect imperfections and giving myself permission to be selfish-sometimes

Enjoying : It's been hard to deeply & thoroughly enjoy anything. I have an acute awareness of  my humanity and how it can all be gone in a blink of an eye. On one hand the thought is a liberating reminder that life is short so make the best of it. On the other hand it feels like nothing matters. All the hard work, the effort, the stress....what does it all amount to anyways?

Buying : Nothing. Opting out of the holiday madness. I've really been working on curving my spending habits this year.

Wearing: old Oversized sweaters, leggings, cozy socks and comfy boots. That is my winter uniform.

Noticing : Who's stock around to help me during these dark times and who has gone awol.

Drawing : a line in the sand when it comes to bad habits, toxic relationships, unhealthy self inflicted pressures to be successful.

Grateful: For my Boston communities and friendships. When I first moved to this city, I didn't make any effort to make new friends. I was desperately trying to hold on to my crazy past life in Atlanta. I'm glad I stopped doing that and started being very intentional about plugging into a community here. As they say, you don't know what you don't know. Today am more blessed and have had more exciting life experiences because I choose to let go of my past and my past defination of living an exciting life.

Happy Holidays!🍂🍂🍂

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