August 3, 2018

Yoga Pose for Runners : Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)

 Low Lunge Pose

Muscles Engaged
  • Quadriceps - Specifically the Rectus Femoris
  • Sartorius 
  • Glutes
  • The iliopsoas muscles - The strongest flexors of the thigh
I love this stretch because it helps me open not just the muscles of my legs but my whole body. 

In a sense, it's a full body stretch.

Lately, I've been stretching not just my lower body muscles but my mind. 
Life has been challenging me to find room to compromise in situations that I feel very strongly about not compromising.

How do you find a middle ground? 
How do you find a way to work with others who's life philosophy greatly contradicts yours?
Something has to be compromised. 
Both parties have to come to a resolution.

At first there was a lot of  push back & resistance on my end.
But once I thought it through, I realized, this is a temporal situation that has a deadline. 

So am going to surrender, knowing that this is not just about me and what I want and how I want things to be down.
 I have to honor and respect the voices and opinions of others even if it contradicts mind. 

With the greater understanding that this particular situation is not just about me.

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