May 18, 2018

Congratulations Class of 2018

Dear graduation class of 2018 , you are not a tree . I repeat you are not a tree

Get up and Go. 

Don’t waste too much time trying to save enough money or have the perfect plan. 

Just do it.  

7 years ago with a cheap paper road map I bought at the gas station , I drove a big uhaul truck solo with no gps from Atlanta to Boston with a quick stop over in turnup city Baltimore Maryland lol..because why not.

Best career move I ever made even though I was scared shitless in that moment & didn’t know anyone in Boston . 

It is hard making new positive friends in a new city if you're not in college.
It was even harder because I was the youngest person in the office at my first job in Boston.
I had to learn to be the one to initiate relationships. I had to "put myself out here".

So I joined networking groups like " Africans in Boston", a church to plug in to, Boston Bloggers groups, fitness groups and found several soccer teams to play on and the rest as the say history. 

Shout of to
It's such a great tool for people who are new to a city and are looking for new friends.
And even if you're not new to a city, its a great way to meet people who share similar hobbies with you

 If your goals don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough .

 Congratulations !!!!  On graduating. 

The world  is your playground .

 Use that awesome  American Passport with all its free, no visa required travel perks and go see the world  before everyone gets mad at us because of our president and then we now have to apply for visas to travel lol.

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