June 1, 2018

Dead to Blogger: Podcast is the New uncharted territory

I was listening to a podcast and the author and guest speaker both agreed that it is pointless to start a blog in this day and age.

I have to mention that they were referring to people who want to monetize their blog not people like me who blog as a hobby.

Even as someone who blogs just for the fun of it, sometimes I wonder if it's time to step away from the keyboard.

I haven't blogged consistently in a while.

I still have not bought a new computer!
I mean , why haven't I bought a new computer? It's not like I cant afford to buy one, I have just been putting it off, because I low key don't care to own one?
Also my iphone is not helping because I do everything on it for my other social media platform (Instagram).

It's so easy to juggle everything on a phone with a good camera instead of the whole file transfer to a computer to be edited and uploaded to a blog post life. 
I just "aint about that life" these days

So today I find myself wondering, should I quit my blogger and step into the world of podcasts?

The reason I have stayed away from Youtube is because I am very camera shy. Podcast solves that problem. I can hide behind the mic and all you will have to go on will be my voice.

Does anyone still read blogs?

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