September 14, 2020

A Healthy Mango Smoothie

I approach smoothie making the same way I approach dumping whatever I want into a slow cooker or crock pot.

Am using mangoes because I had some left over mangoes that were on their way out. 

A good way to save fresh fruits is to freeze it until it's ready for use. 

That't what I did with these mangoes.

Secondly, I was craving the taste of ginger so I put that in the blender.

The rest of the ingredients, honestly, were chosen based on my feelings in the moment :) and what my palette was craving.

You can do whatever you want.

You are the BOSS in your kitchen 

I do have to mention that I've been dealing with some digestion and gut issues and that also inspired what I put in my smoothie like all the fiber and chia seeds you see.

The end result tasted more tumericky than what i wanted because
 I put too much of the powder so be mindful of your portion sizes.

All in all, I was happy with my smoothie. 
Don't over think it. 
You can have a healthy smoothie without compromising on taste.

September 12, 2020

My Fall Workout Goals

It's averaging 100+ degree every day and I've had to adjust my routine to take the heat into account. 

Sometimes it means settling for an indoor workout in the AC or scheduling an evening walk much later at night when it's cooler.

After a month of hiatus and sporadic workouts, am craving a routine with a target goal.

My Fall fitness goals are;

#1. Flexibility : So we are getting back into yoga and stretches

#2. Cardio : because the weight meeehhn...the weight needs to GO

#3. Back and Core strength to look cute in a 2 piece swim suite.

C'est tous mes amies. No self righteous plans or intentions.

Join me on the Nike app and let's motivate each other.

September 8, 2020

My Current Perfumes and why I choose them [ VERSACE ]

 First of all, as a graduate of Financial Peace University,

 it's important for me to state that

 I bought these perfumes ON SALE.

The 2 perfumes I will be talking about are

#1. Versace Yellow Diamond

#2. Blue Diamond Femme

I had run out of perfumes leading up to this purchase so I was only looking to own 2 options. 

And the sales made financial sense.

My 2 requirements were;

#1. An every day light perfume for work that will not over whelm my coworkers.

#2. A musky , sexual, night time , for going out, evening wear perfume.

#1. Versace Yellow Diamond

Am so glad the consultant recommended this perfume to me even though I was very adamant about HATING floral scents.

I cannot stand women who smell like a botanical garden or flower green house.

I love this scent. It is NOT FLORAL or over powering at all.
The citrus ( which was a concern ) is light and clean for a work perfume.

#2. Blue Diamond Femme

I loooooooove musky scents especially in men.
An additional component of the sale included getting a 3rd scent for  FREE which I did get the male version of this scent for my man-friend.

I love the Dylan blue because I do love dark and musky scents.
I especially love this in the male version than the female version.
This is a perfect scent for evening wear, cocktail hour with your girl friends or a night out with bae.

All in all, as a minimalist, I do not believe in owning a whole variety of perfumes. I prefer the idea of having a signature scent.
I will not be purchasing any more perfumes until I run out of this options. 

In addition to these perfumes I have 2 every day sprays that are not long lasting from victoria secret and Bed Bath & Beyond.
This is enough for me.
 I will keep you up to date as far as how these new scents cohabitate with my natural pheromones.

What scents do YOU like?
 Leave your comments below or on my email or reach out to me on instagram

September 6, 2020

Quote of the Moment : About Sacrifice

"You Do Not have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm".

I heard this quote while re-listening to an old podcast episode from 2018: Shedding your Superwoman Status

And it spoke to me very strongly about setting up my boundaries even as I try to reach out to assist and be helpful with those around me. Especially during this season of covid 19. I am trying to shrug off the guilt I feel for not doing more for others because I am trying to take care of myself.

I feel like am being selfish; with good reasons/intentions

so why do I still feel so conflicted about it?

September 4, 2020

Temple Square : Salt Lake City Part 2

 I felt like Temple Square deserves it's own blog post because it's the main  thing in Salt Lake City. 

With multiple buildings and campuses spread out across the city, Temple Square is the heart /headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I was unable to see all of it due to work constraints. Also Covid 19 made it such that, tours inside a lot of the buildings were restricted. 

I will love the opportunity to go back and experience the interiors of those iconic buildings.

Especially to visit the museum that has information on the founding families and the history of the church. I love learning about history because I am always curious about whether my current personality will thrive or fail in different time eras.


There is so much to see and learn in and around Temple Square that you need to make this a multi days sight seeing tour. 

Have you been to Salt Lake city?

or better yet, are you from Salt Lake City?

If so, what's you're favourite thing about the city?

September 2, 2020

Visiting Salt Lake City - Utah (Work Trip)

 I spent a month (on and off) in Salt Lake City , Utah for work and it was very interesting to learn about its culture, origins and religion (Mormon). Salt Lake City is the mecca of the Mormon faith. With that in mind, a lot of the rules and regulations that govern the city are inspired by the religion. 

Liberty Park

On the other hand, it is a beautiful city and state filled with more mountains than I have ever seen in my life. Driving to work every morning with the beautiful view of the mountains was astonishing.

Definitely an outdoor lover's paradise.

I was surprise to find out that they actually also have a sport culture.