December 13, 2015

Happy Holidays 2015

As someone who does not participate in gift giving over the Christmas holidays, I am weary of all the marketing and shopping that goes on(StarWars takes the price this year). I have intentionally stayed away from shops and malls for over 2 months now. The last attempt I made to get running tights from Chicago's Water Tower Place ended up with me being emotionally scared by the sheer volume of people present.

So what have I been up to lately?

I have been on the road, travelling, visiting friends and family. Choosing to invest in quality time and memories not products. 

I've never had a habit of buying presents for my friends and family specifically for Christmas and I don't feel bad about it.

 I don't need a holiday to buy gifts. 

And if a gift is the only way you expect validation for love, then sorry, not sorry.

Christmas = A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY is about how God sent HIS only Son to earth to become man and to die on the cross for our sins and for our salvation. 

It's not about;
buying your kids 20 presents
Debating over the decorations on a coffee cup
Taking the religious words out of the songs that celebrates this significant religious moment but you still want to sing the songs 

SANTA = No No No

Christmas Trees = No No No. Really whats the point? You're dumping it out in a matter of days. How is this environmentally okay?
It makes NO SENSE to buy a tree that you will in turn throw away 

And for Christians, stop quoting bible verses at problems or issues. Actively Do something to HELP. Go back and read about the Good Samaritan and who constitutes your neighbour.

Other than that, Merry Christmas and have a Happy Holidays!
Remember, the best gifts are the simpliest ones

Honestly, it's just coffee

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