November 23, 2015

Motivation Monday - American Music Awards tribute

It is 3 days until I am officially on Thanksgiving holidays vacation mode*. 
Unofficially am already in that state of mind. I need motivation to stay on top of my tasks for the next few days.

My Motivation Monday = Music Monday

Last night, while watching the AMAs hosted by the fabulous Jenny from the block, I was reminded of some old school favorite songs that always put a smile on my face. It's crazy how much music is pumped out by the industry on a daily basis. And the pressure artists must feel to get public attention and be on top of the charts. How do you stand out from the crowd of many talented artists, all fighting for the same thing. And when you do get to the top like the legendary Celine Dion, how do you stay relevant and maintain cross generational fans?

Back in college, Celine Dion was my to go artist to listen to right before a game. From I drove all night, Because you love me, If walls could talk, A New Day has come, To Love you more and etc  she had something for all my colorful emotional 21 yrs old mental state of mind. But even after all these years, I still love her music and get the same feelings as if I was listening it for the first time

What's your favourite cross-generational artist that you can envision your grand children equally enjoy their music?

Having an amazing 3.5 week

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