January 21, 2015

Vision Boards

This past weekend my fellow BGR ambassadors and I organized a vision board party for the Boston group. It was my first time taking part in this type of activity.

A vision board is basically an inspiration board of all the things you want to accomplish within a given time frame. I guess it could be synonymous to pin-interest. But I am not on pinterest so this works for me. What I like most about it is, the sky is the limit. You decide what you want to focus on.

Even though our general idea was on running  races/goals, I chose to focus on the nutrition aspect. As a long time athlete, I know I am capable of training to meet any physical demands related to running. Where I struggle is Nutrition. And we all know that when it comes to healthy living, its 20% exercise  and 80% nutrition. Therefor, no matter the training intensity, you can easily revert all that hard work by making poor nutrition choices.

This year I don't have any race goals. I will continue running and doing other fun fitness activities but with no goals in mind. I already have a race scheduled for Feb 1. I will sign up for races depending on my interest level and availability.

But when it comes to nutrition, I do want to get it under control.
Specifically my sugar, salt and carbs intake. Boom!

Speaking of food, my sister-inlaw got me this WONDERFUL - AMAZING Cheesecake for my birthday. And Yes It's already been devoured.....I did already confess to having a food problem #KanyeShrug

January 13, 2015

Marathon Sports Winter Warrior Challenge

This year am taking part in the 4th edition of Marathon Sport's Winter Warrior Challenge.

I'm running under our Black Girls Run Boston group for this January fitness challenge. My goal is to let it serve as a training platform for the 5 mile Super Sunday race I will be participating in alongside many Boston Brunch/ November Project members on February 1st.
    Picture from http://www.marathonsports.com/

We are team  #28 and are currently ranked in the 31st position in this challenge of 125 teams. Am so proud of our girls!!!!

I do  have to mention that one of the disadvantages of participating in this challenge is the inability to log in miles that are more than a day old. Therefor you have to consistently/daily log in your miles.

However, am enjoying doing the challenge and leading run meetups with members of our BGR-Boston community. I know it sounds crazy to run outside in this extreme temperatures and I do agree that sometimes you should stay indoors and exercise. Nevertheless, with the appropriate winter running gear and following safety precautions, running outdoors in the winter can be an enjoyable experience.

Since am nursing an injury (muscle strain from not stretching adequately), my runs have been shorter and at a slower pace. I'm going to keep training to eventually complete 3 half marathons this year. 

If you're on Nike+ 
#Add Me
#Race Me
#Challenge Me

So we can keep each other accountable on this lifestyle journey

January 5, 2015

Fire and Ice Winter Festival

I decided to start off my new year by doing the festival because I miss attending local community events. 

2014 was very hectic; filled with travelling, classes and 7 different contract employments all clamoring for my attention. 

Towards the end of the year I was physical drained and mentally exhausted. This led to  a challenge from my brother  to live a life with a minimal number of side gigs and to just enjoy having some free time off 

Located at Lawn D adjacent to the convention center, the Fire and Ice festival was full of performances, food trucks and a maze made out of ice. Even though it was extremely cold, I had an amazing time. Armed with snow boots, cozy socks and a steamy Dunkin Doughnuts coffee, I questioned my sanity as I padded through the cold ice maze while snowflakes showered on my face from the skies. 
What part of this was entertaining again?

My favourite part of the night was the fire performances specifically the fire swords fight scenes. Initially I wanted to take pictures and video footage with my tablet but decided against it so I could just enjoy the moment.

I feel like nowadays we're so busy trying to chronicle our lives that we're missing out on experiencing and being present in the moment of those events.

I've decided to take on my brother's challenge. By the end of the year I quit four contract jobs and plan on spending my free time rediscovery my hobbies. I also hope to spend some of this newly found freedom to enhance my blog.

My Phrase for 2015 is QUALITY over quantity