January 5, 2015

Fire and Ice Winter Festival

I decided to start off my new year by doing the festival because I miss attending local community events. 

2014 was very hectic; filled with travelling, classes and 7 different contract employments all clamoring for my attention. 

Towards the end of the year I was physical drained and mentally exhausted. This led to  a challenge from my brother  to live a life with a minimal number of side gigs and to just enjoy having some free time off 

Located at Lawn D adjacent to the convention center, the Fire and Ice festival was full of performances, food trucks and a maze made out of ice. Even though it was extremely cold, I had an amazing time. Armed with snow boots, cozy socks and a steamy Dunkin Doughnuts coffee, I questioned my sanity as I padded through the cold ice maze while snowflakes showered on my face from the skies. 
What part of this was entertaining again?

My favourite part of the night was the fire performances specifically the fire swords fight scenes. Initially I wanted to take pictures and video footage with my tablet but decided against it so I could just enjoy the moment.

I feel like nowadays we're so busy trying to chronicle our lives that we're missing out on experiencing and being present in the moment of those events.

I've decided to take on my brother's challenge. By the end of the year I quit four contract jobs and plan on spending my free time rediscovery my hobbies. I also hope to spend some of this newly found freedom to enhance my blog.

My Phrase for 2015 is QUALITY over quantity

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