January 13, 2015

Marathon Sports Winter Warrior Challenge

This year am taking part in the 4th edition of Marathon Sport's Winter Warrior Challenge.

I'm running under our Black Girls Run Boston group for this January fitness challenge. My goal is to let it serve as a training platform for the 5 mile Super Sunday race I will be participating in alongside many Boston Brunch/ November Project members on February 1st.
    Picture from http://www.marathonsports.com/

We are team  #28 and are currently ranked in the 31st position in this challenge of 125 teams. Am so proud of our girls!!!!

I do  have to mention that one of the disadvantages of participating in this challenge is the inability to log in miles that are more than a day old. Therefor you have to consistently/daily log in your miles.

However, am enjoying doing the challenge and leading run meetups with members of our BGR-Boston community. I know it sounds crazy to run outside in this extreme temperatures and I do agree that sometimes you should stay indoors and exercise. Nevertheless, with the appropriate winter running gear and following safety precautions, running outdoors in the winter can be an enjoyable experience.

Since am nursing an injury (muscle strain from not stretching adequately), my runs have been shorter and at a slower pace. I'm going to keep training to eventually complete 3 half marathons this year. 

If you're on Nike+ 
#Add Me
#Race Me
#Challenge Me

So we can keep each other accountable on this lifestyle journey

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