November 10, 2014

Dealing With Sore Muscles

I experienced my first NOVEMBER PROJECT Workouts last week Wednesday at the Harvard stadium.

This meant doing an infinite (in my feeble mind at the time) number of stadium steps.

I honestly don't know where I got the mental perseverance to finish it. My only evidence was the jello-like feeling in my legs and slight dizziness that occurred afterwards. Also I experienced 3 days of excruciating muscle soreness.

Here is how I dealt with the muscle soreness after doing that many steps.

#1. Post Workout Stretch

I knew I had to do some intense stretching immediately to prevent stiffness

#2 Hot Shower Stretch
This can be substituted for having a "heat" pad which is usually a luxury reserved for athletics trainer rooms. Warm water relaxes your muscles and that's the best time to take advantage and stretch them some more. Reach down, with your legs straight, touch your toe and stretch those hamstrings & Calves

#3 Roller Foam 
This is the best thing for rolling away those extra tight muscle knots and trigger points. It also helps improve blood circulation in the legs.

#Yoga4: Specifically Yoga for runners
You can google up many variations. I use many videos on YouTube but for dealing for this specific week I used BrettLarkin's 40mins post run yoga. This video is more than 1 years old but I still love it and have used it several times. 

The sequence stretches your whole body with great emphasis on the limbs and shoulders. Basically she focuses on the major muscles used in running.

 I also like that it is 40 mins instead of 10 mins. While a 10 - 20 minutes routine is better than nothing, my body needs more than that.

If done properly , your previously tensed muscles should feel a great deal of relaxation, openness and calmness. If you're in tune with your body, you should feel them "give in" to the manipulations*.

#5 Low Intensity Follow Up Exercises
Usually to experience such intense muscle soreness means you really work HARD. Extra weight lifting session in the gym, extra mileage on your run and etc. Give yourself a break and go easy for the next 2 days or so. For me, walking to work and after work helps with relieving some of the tension. I take deliberate large steps that stretch out my groin. I also keep stretching any chance I get at work. Even though I still ran on the same day, ( BGR run ambassador duties), I kept my miles under 3 for 2 days.

In 2 days am heading back to the stadium for another session with November Project. I can't wait to become so strong that I will be running up the steps like some of the monsters :) "amazing athletes" who show up and kill it like its a piece of pumpkin pie.

Happy Working out and Remember to be kind to your muscles.

Also if November Project is in your city, do check it out.
Its Amazing.
Everyone is super NICE & Encouraging
Most Importantly the workouts are FREE!

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