October 31, 2014

Exercising during menstruation - Just Do it

During menstruation you may feel one of these side effects;



Emotional Imbalance

Maddening cravings for anything with an unhealthy dose of SUGAR

It might take you 2 hours to summon up the will and strength to leave the comfort of your bed but just do it.

The rewards will justify the effort.

Running will get your blood circulating and get rid of the sluggishness. Preferably do sprints instead of a slow long run.

Worst case scenario. Go for a walk. It's better than anything but I'll rather run myself to exhaustion and enjoy a good post workout nap.

I find that sprints have a way of "waking up" my body. Everything comes alive. I feel more light weight at the end of the workout.

Practice yoga and channel those crazy bi polar emotions into a state of peaceful meditation . Its healthy for your mind and muscles.

Unless you have a medical condition, I am not comfortable with the idea of taking pills to "cure" pms. It's a natural process that our bodies go through for the greater good of our health.

This is how I deal with periods and exercise. Science and research will tell you a lot of Dos and Donts. Unless your period lasts for many days, give yourself a break and indulge in whatever your heart desires in moderation. 

That's my policy. 

Being a woman is hard work ^_^ 

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