September 30, 2013

Rick Owens Spring 2014 - Paris Fashion Week

I am not a fashion guru.

I can barely dress myself appropriately for society.

But I do know, just like the rest of the general population, that there is a severe shortage of diversity in the high fashion modeling world. Which is why the Rick Owens Spring 2014 show caught my attention. Black girls....not skinny 6 feet tall with weaves black girls....but blacks girls, in all their natural beauty, dominated the show. Dancers. And not just any dancers but step dancers. A talent that requires athleticism, stamina and agility.

I'm not sure what kind of statement he was trying to make.

Everyone has an opinion on it....and that's what I care about.

That at least, now the issue has been brought to the fore front. 

Oya discuss. 

You cannot ignore it. You will address it irrespective of your opinion about diversity or body image.

Some people are mad that he used step dancers...and that they didnt dance well....First of all, this was not a step dancing competition. At the end of the day its a fashion show and the movements of the dance have to still show case the attire and etc....

Others say step dancing is not proper reflection of our community. 

Step dancing ...and dancing in general is part of the many components that make up our heritage. He picked something from this colorful rainbow to in cooperate into his show and his vision. 

Am tired of people feeling like somebody owes them something. He didnt have to do anything but he did something. Our judgement gets so clouded sometimes that we cannot take an act at face value. 

BET's Rip the runway has a similar concept. But does the black community cry foul? No....because its put together by black people?
We feel that everything and anything that has to do with someone outside the black community using something that's part of our community has an ulterior motive. 

Am sure all step dancers around  the world would appreciate that their craft was used as an inspiration by someone. Am sure they would have loved to be on the show as part of someone's artistic vision. 

I don't understand the backlash from the black community. We were cool with step dancing in all those movies showcasing Greek life across america's college campuses and we celebrated it........but how dare someone give a group of talented young women an opportunity to step dance at a very popular fashion event?.....

I feel that by choosing dancers and variety of body shapes, you get something bigger than just another skinny model who happens to be black. The issue with the fashion industry is 2 folds. Lack of Diversity and Body Image. His show addresses both.

Over the years I've learned not just to talk about diversity in terms of blacks but inclusive of all other minorities in the world. Because the term minority is relative to the issue or location. Blacks are a minority outside of Africa but not in the continent. Same with Asians outside of Asia and etc

So in the fashion industry when I say minorities I mean anyone but those with European features....

September 26, 2013

T444Z Hair Food for Natural Hair

T44Z Hair Food is a locally made hair product for natural hair. I met Brenda at the African Boston Festival this summer at the vendors booths . Even though I had braids on at the time, I was attracted to the product because of all the healthy ingredients listed in it.

After taking my braids out, I spent the last 3 weeks only using T44Z,  glycerin and water to see how it affects my hair. Am not a product junky. I don't believe in putting 5+ different products on my hair at the same time.

Aloe, Herbal Extract, Rose Oil,  Chamomile, Menthol, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Castor Oil, Peppermint, Papaya Extracts, Vitamin A, Carrot Extracts, Shea butter, Essential Oils

For massive hair growth, volume and thickness. Repairs hair line. Stops balding, dandruff, scalp dryness, itchiness and hair loss.

Apply to whole hair once a week
For damaged areas such as bald patches and hair line, apply daily.

My Review
I was mostly interested in the repair hair line and scalp dryness remedies because those are the 2 issues I face with my natural hair.

When I initially opened the product, I was concerned about the yellow under tones and beads. I thought maybe it will leave a yellow streak on  my dark hair. Fortunately that wasn't the case. Even though it looks yellow, once you rub it on your palms, or even if you place it is....on your hair, once melted, the oil leaves no colour residue.

Because of my thick hair, instead of once a week, I used it 2 -3 times a week at night before doing a protective style for bed. I prefer putting products in my hair at night because sleep is the optimum time for the body to undergo the process of  growth & repair.

Smell - Its smells fresh and minty. Probably because of the menthol added to it. Also the menthol leaves your scalp feeling refresh similar to what a breath mint or mouth wash does and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that feeling because the summer heat + evening cold always leave my scalp dry and itchy.

Lastly, even though its oily, it doesn't weight down your hair or leave it feeling or looking greasy.

Honestly, am trying to think of some short coming for this product but so far I got nothing. For my hair and my hair issues, it does the job. I can not comment on hair growth or thickness because my hair is already naturally thick and grows very slow. I will probably have to use it for longer than 3 weeks for any hair growth comparison.  Although I will mention that my hair line has seen some growth.

Will I recommend this product? YES & OUI

To order
 call Brenda at 617-504-3727
Email her at
or check out her website

Shriiiiiiinkage will be the death of me this fall/winter. I'm tired of telling people, no I didnt get a hair cut over night. It just shrank.....

September 24, 2013

Why BMI doesnt always work

Recently, I went for a routine yearly physical provided by my insurance with no copay. I usually take advantage of this time to get everything checked out because outside of that, I rarely visit the doctor's office.

After all my exams, the physician came in to have a word with me. It wasn't t my regular doctor but someone new. She proceeded to say I was obese and recommended exercise. I was trying really hard to stifle a giggle because as an exercise physiologist, I knew she was wrong.

In her attempt to rush in and out, she made no effort to have a conversation with me (very typical of healthcare workers these days). Had she done that she would have realized I was an athlete with really muscular thighs and BMI is not a good indicator for a healthy body weight in my case.

Body Mass Index is a number calculation based on your Weight and Height.
Its been known to be wrong because it does not take into account several components.
2. Age
3. % Body Fat versus % Muscle Mass versus % Bone density

Other methods that can be a better indicator of your body weight health status are the skin fold test and under water weighing. There are more that use X-rays and etc but there are usually more expensive and not quite necessary.

I place BMI in the same category as using a weight scale. Don't.


September 18, 2013

Yoga Socks - Fitness Basics

I don't know why it took 1 year of slips and mishaps for me to purchase these socks.

They are amazing. Comfortable.  True to size. And provide the necessary grip especially for yoga newbies who need to rely on the wall. Now that the  to weather is changing and its getting colder, am ready to revive my dying indoor yoga practice.

September 8, 2013

Eto retires from Cameroon National Team

Eto has been keeping me in a constant state of dumbfounded-ness (is that a word?).

First was the news that he will be joining my team CHELSEA! for a one year contract. Am still trying to be comfortable with the idea because even though I think he is a good player, I don't know how this will change the team's dynamic.

Fast forward to today. I am still rejoicing Cameroon's win against Libya in its qualifier game.

And minutes after that, its reported that Eto has decided to resign/retire from the Indomitable Lions.

As much as it saddens me, I support his decision for several reasons.

1. Having played at an international level , one can only handle the childish games of our FECAFOOT for a limited amount of time. The dishonesty, poor management, corruption and disregard for the players's earnings and well being is not something anyone will put  up with especially when you have better options.

I think he had good intentions to clean up the team and management but you can take a horse to the stream but you cannot force it to drink.

2. As a former competitive soccer player...and a darn good one at it if i may say so :) , I hate the idea of a team and the management to rely on one player for the success of the team. Soccer takes 11 PLAYERS.
Its time for the other players to rise up collectively and earn their spot on that team by putting in the work.

3. He isnt getting younger. Its time for him to graduate into other roles outside the soccer field. Consultant. Advisor. Businessman. Entrepreneur. The sky is the limit.

I wish him all the best and thank him for all his efforts to make the Indomitable Lions a great team despite opposition by the governing body Fecafoot. 

Honestly you'll think a sports governing body's main priority is to make decisions that benefit its teams and will ensure that they are well equipped and ready for competition. But not Fecafoot. Apparently, their personal agenda are not in line with the teams they delegate.

September 4, 2013

How to end the year + Fitness Inspiration from C.J. Senter

I just realized we have only 4 months till the end of 2013.
 I've maintained most of my new year resolutions but looking for a way to end the year on a good note.

I'm thinking, maybe sign up and train for another half marathon? Perhaps beat my PR?

Or embark on some other fitness related challenge.

I'm not quite sure yet. I believe there's something rewarding about ending the year on a good note no matter how it may have started.

Because as we all know, its not how you start but how you finish...that you finished and never quit, that matters.

Fitness Inspiration :  C.J. Senter

This kid is amazing. I wonder if there are any side effects for training so hard at such a young age.
Will have to research on that because I do believe in moderation in all that you do.

September 1, 2013

Summer 2013 Update

I'm sorry for being MIA for most of the summer. What started up as a quiet season for me turned 180 degrees. It was very difficult for me to blog amidst the insanity of activities and new work schedules.
Now that things are finally settling down, I hope I can resume blogging on a regular basis.

For daily updates of what antics ^_^ I get into, follow me on twitter @mapetiteniche and on instagram @laurettaashu

I hope you all had a wonderful summer
