September 8, 2013

Eto retires from Cameroon National Team

Eto has been keeping me in a constant state of dumbfounded-ness (is that a word?).

First was the news that he will be joining my team CHELSEA! for a one year contract. Am still trying to be comfortable with the idea because even though I think he is a good player, I don't know how this will change the team's dynamic.

Fast forward to today. I am still rejoicing Cameroon's win against Libya in its qualifier game.

And minutes after that, its reported that Eto has decided to resign/retire from the Indomitable Lions.

As much as it saddens me, I support his decision for several reasons.

1. Having played at an international level , one can only handle the childish games of our FECAFOOT for a limited amount of time. The dishonesty, poor management, corruption and disregard for the players's earnings and well being is not something anyone will put  up with especially when you have better options.

I think he had good intentions to clean up the team and management but you can take a horse to the stream but you cannot force it to drink.

2. As a former competitive soccer player...and a darn good one at it if i may say so :) , I hate the idea of a team and the management to rely on one player for the success of the team. Soccer takes 11 PLAYERS.
Its time for the other players to rise up collectively and earn their spot on that team by putting in the work.

3. He isnt getting younger. Its time for him to graduate into other roles outside the soccer field. Consultant. Advisor. Businessman. Entrepreneur. The sky is the limit.

I wish him all the best and thank him for all his efforts to make the Indomitable Lions a great team despite opposition by the governing body Fecafoot. 

Honestly you'll think a sports governing body's main priority is to make decisions that benefit its teams and will ensure that they are well equipped and ready for competition. But not Fecafoot. Apparently, their personal agenda are not in line with the teams they delegate.

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