December 29, 2011

I went out to "Play"

The sun came out in Boston and you know this child of Africa had to getoutofthehouse and go get a hug. As if am not "dark"enough.
 #That moment you realize you should have gotten off the previous exit to avoid being stuck in a traffic stand still#
I later drove by the reason for the traffic...some one's car was on fire in the tunnel in the middle of the high way. I hope no one died :/

View from bridge while on standstill traffic. I was stuck on the bridge for a long time because it didn't occur to me that rush hour occurs everyday around 4-sih...blame the holidays. All that eating has left me dull. But then again, bad sense of timing is a reoccurring theme in my life.

. I took advantage of the "cool" weather to wear my all time favourite flats and gallivant around town thrifting. This was suppose to be a household items aka groceries shopping trip but that is a story for another day.
I got them from Pay-less as a summer shoe and after over 3 years we are still going strong and steady.

And what a good day it was. With $50.00 I got a brand new leather belt, a brand new pair of wedge sandals, 2 pencil skits in green and blue, Ralph Lauren pants, Gap jeans and much more......ah la vie est belle je vous dit.

A time to Cleanse

Every year, from Thanksgiving holidays to the winter Christmas/New Year celebrations, I eat like a pig.No joke. My mouth does not discriminate. Living or dead. Healthy or unhealthy. My greed for food over the holidays is a seasonal weakness i have yet to master.

Therefor to restore everything back to balance, I do a cleanse to get rid of all those impurities. My only rule is to complete the minimum of 5 days fast before my birthday, January 18th. This year's challenge is the GMC 7 day diet of fruits and vegetables. I'm not going to go into the details as it is a very popular fast and if can Google it.

Today is day # 1. Mangoes, cherries, grapes and tons of water + lemons have been consumed in extremely LARGE quantities....

I think am indirectly trying to challenge their instructions that eating as much fruits as you want is okay. Much business have I brought to my local Stop & Shop's fruit/farmer's market who by the way i believe have ridiculously pricey fruits.. 

This is some healthy food 419 conspiracy for real.How can fruits and veggies be so darn expensive?!?  

Body wise, I can definitely already feel the food demons fighting back from within aka that "anonymous thanksgiving meat" used to make that party favorite meatball*

Every time I take a sip of my water + lemon drink...I feel a tingly sensation from my digestive system all the way down to my toes.

Let the hysteria begin.

For anyone starting a FAST, don't be an idiot like me and start it at the end of your holidays just when you are about to go back to work. If possible, do it while on vacation because some side effects include weakness and dizziness and this can be dangerous for individual's who's jobs include working with machines or require a high level of concentration.

A dose of African News from SAHARATV

A dramatique  and funny interpretation. But I will say this, the issues that people are dealing with everyday is Africa but  of bad governance IS NOT FUNNY

December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011 in Douala, Cameroon

The city of Douala hosted a Christmas family event to officially mark the holidays. The city's Christmas tree was decorated and decked out with gift  boxes. More about this event can be found on the city's official webpage. And here are some pictures of the tree i downloaded from their website.

p.s...Being in Boston aka COLDASFREAK city....i am officially hating on those enjoying a sunny and warm holiday.

Lionnes Indomptables win CAF Women’s National team of the Year Awards

L'Equipe Nationale FĂ©minine de Football du Cameroun walked away as winner of the CAF, (Confederation Of  African Football) Women's National Team of the Year.

As a Cameroonian female soccer player, I'm soooooo proud of my girls!!!

This year the event was hosted in Accra, Ghana and the complete list of the winners for the night are;

African Player of the Year 2011

Yaya Toure (Manchester City and Cote d’Ivoire)

African Player of the Year 2011 (Based in Africa)

Oussama Darragi (Esperance Sportive de Tunis and Tunisia)

National Team of the Year


Women’s National Team of the Year


Club of the Year

Esperance Sportive de Tunis (Tunisia)

Most Promising Talent of the Year

Souleymane Coulibaly (Tottenham Hotspurs and Cote d’Ivoire)
Coach of the Year

Harouna Doula (Niger)

Women’s Footballer of the Year

Perpetua Nkwocha (Nigeria)

Referee of the Year

Noumandiez Doue (Cote d’Ivoire)

Legend Award

Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)

Austin ‘Jay-Jay’ Okocha (Nigeria)

Fair Play Award


Platinum Award

John Evans Atta Mills (President of Ghana)

For all the losers, work harder next year okay? 

In the spirit of celebrating this victorious moment for my country i decided to post pictures of my college soccer glory days.....
Guess who I am in this pic

Yup #9 like my boo Eto :)

Clayton State Women Soccer Alumni Team

New Cellulaire Company par Cherie Coco de moi

 Samuel Eto is launching a  new Communication/Telephone Network in Cameroon-Cameroon-Kamerun and its called Set' Mobile.

This will be the new company competing against the likes of ORANGE & MTN for customers. Rumor has it a lot of people are already ready to jump ship and join him. Bravo! because I know many are tired with the lack of quality phone services by both MTN and ORANGE. They can't loose by trying something new.

I am all for anything that brings business to Cameroon and increases investors's interests in the nation.

And then you have people like me..who regardless how good or the product is..I am sold and would jump ship and risk even drowning because of......

With that FACE & BODY, he could sell dog poop and people will still buy it!

Disclaimer: the pictures above are from, vanity fair and puma ad campaigns and all copyrights belong to them.

December 27, 2011

Cleaning out My Closet

For those who where wondering....

"what happened to your posts?!!!!"

I decided to delete them. If you remember a couple of months ago, I lost my post/blog pictures thanks to Google + . Initially i was too depressed to delete my 2 years worth of blogs BUT going back and re-reading them, it just looked weird and in appropriate without the accompanied pictures. 

So Yes, I decided to do the BIG CHOP. *Sad Face*  : /

But life goes on abi?

Hello 2012. Lets try and be more TECH-SAVY so this does not repeat it self ok?

Recession INDEED

Clearly I am on a jobless winter-Christmas vacation/break......but on a serious note..I really will like to know the answer to this very important question...

Picture via Here

Black Girls Hair Problems Scene #27 Take 40

via here

Movie: Dorian Gray

I just finished watching this creepy movie about a man that never ages.

It is an adaption of the famous Oscar Wild's only published novel.

Lesson learned from the movie? 

 Do not be so quick to be envious of what others have. You never know what they "sacrificed" to achieve that desired* attribute.

Reflections of 2011

One of the things I love about maintaining a journal is the ability to look back at my life and access any growth or lack off.... ¯\(°_o)/¯ ...[hey, I never claimed to be perfect].....over the years

Since 2001 I have successfully maintained journals and planners. Yes, 10 years of my deepest secrets, pains, and wishfullthinkings.. ...Or maybe its because i have delusions of grandeur,  dreams of one day being so famous, my diaries will become a collector's expensive item upon my death. Or Even better, a national treasure.....Or better yet, I hope that someday in the future, they will be able to tell my story, when I am not present to do so. Whether it be to my siblings, parents, children, grandchildren, spouse, friends or strangers. They are the most authentic biography of my life since stepping foot in this country and my most priced possessions.

 Sometimes I take out the planners to trace back what I did on the same day but 4 years ago. The results are always interesting. According to my entries, I have lived quite an adventurous life and I can't see what 2012 has in store for me.

On a side note....the journal entries of my teenage years are "horrible" memories i want to forget. The teenage angst motif and melodramas gives Shakespeare's tragedies a run for their money. So much insecurity and struggle to understand my place in the world. A young African girl who wants to intergrate into the american school system but at the same time hold on to her African traditional values. I cannot help but cry every time I reread my high school entries about being bullied in school for my accent. Standing on a partially full school bus because no one wanted to sit with me. Kids would place book bags on the empty sits next to their chairs so i could not sit with them. Eating my lunch in the bathroom because i had no place in the cafeteria. Befriending the lonely white girl who cut herself because we were birds of the same feather and subsequently engaging in the behavior myself.

As much as we all know that movies have an element of fiction, some of the high school motifs you see such as the jocks, the popular kids, the bullies and those being bullied are real and present in american schools.


 How much I have grown and become successful, not just in personal growth, but emotionally and career wise.

Last year, in my  "Happy New Year 2011" blog post, I wrote about achieving the following in 2011

" graduate with my master’s degree…..4classes left!
- get a kick-ass better paying job….not that I am not grateful for the current one.
- meet my prince charming?
- travel to Cameroon"

Am happy and grateful to say the first 2 where successfully accomplished! One of my other goals was to move to Boston and I did  ^_^

I did meet prince charming in 2010 but I guess once a frog always a frog cause am back to being sleeping beauty

 My solo trip to Cameroon was postponed when my family decided on a group trip back home to honor the memory of my late grandmother. So I am going to Cameroon but instead of alone, I will be going with my mother and brothers! This is a huge celebration that takes time and planning but I hope by 2012 i would have bought my ticket for the trip.

For my 2012 LOOK BOOK
- Start the process of relocating out of the country. I already know what country i want to move to and i have been talking to job agencies and recruiters. I have always wanted to work outside the U.S and i hope i will be able to finalize all paper works visa....vaccines... background checks...and other job related requirements by the end of 2012...this country has some serious bureaucratic B.Ss if I've ever heard of one....

- Travel to South America and St Kitts to visit friends

- Treat myself to a spa retreat @  Martha's Vineyard.Hint* Hint* My birthday is coming up.

-Invest into my career development by joining professional organisations and  attending more sports medicine conferences for learning and networking purposes.

- Lastly...which is a lifetime goal..Keep working on my relationship with God. This is one relationship I cannot afford to mess up.

So with that said.....BooooNNEE AaaaaaNNNeeeeeee!!!!

December 20, 2011

Gratitude Journal

In one of my recent midnight insomnia online adventures, I ran across a post about gratitude journals and their importance. The idea is that we are too focused on To do Lists, Short and Long term goals of things to be accomplished that we sometimes forget to stop and be thankful of the positive elements around us.

 Be thankful of the baby progress you have made. Be thankful of your accomplishments no matter how small. Be thankful of that near miss accident you walked away from. Be thankful of still having a job despite your lil "human" blunders. Be thankful of having a family or friends or a significant other...point is, be thankful there is someone out there who will call you out of concern if they go 24 hrs without hearing from you. 

Some people have to pay for love and affection.

So, instead of keeping a journal full of "woe is me" epic adventures of you juggling different life crises while maintaining your sanity and blood pressure, start a gratitude journal. 

You will be surprised by how many amazing and wonderful things have been happening in your lives, which you have let gone unrecognized.

New anti-Gay Bill in Nigeria

Separation of Church and State

I thought the whole purpose of this idea was to serve as a check and balance between the rights of the people and freedom of religion.

Marriage is a religious act and from my understand, even when one marries in a church you still have to “sign” the legal documents to validate the union so the state can “recognize” you as a couple. I am against same sex marriages from a Christian (Bible) perspective but in support of same sex civil unions. Civil unions have more to do with state laws, rights and benefits and everyone, regardless of their sexualities should be entitled to those.

So I do not understand why some people believe same sex couples should not be entitled to these rights. It makes NO SENSE.

Even worst is the amount of persecution and brutality same sex couples face especially from religious fanatics. Let’s not forget a sin is a sin. The sin of homosexuality is no different from stealing, premarital sex, converting your neighbor's wife, drunkenness, murder, lying and the list goes on and on. As Christians, it is not our place to pick and choose which sins to highlight. There are more sins out there, borne out of hatred that we should be focusing our attentions on instead of homosexuality

Reports are that the US government responded with threats to withhold aid funds to Nigeria if the bill is not changed. I have mixed feelings about this tactic. On one side, it is exactly this same behavior that makes many hate western policies….the whole…”I will not help you unless you march to the beat of my drum” kind of attitude. On the other hand, how does one “pressure” the Nigerian government to end this form of discrimination?

As for those in favor of these atrocities in the name of upholding tradition and culture. To you I have this to say. There was a time not to long ago when women did not have rights but where treated as properties to be traded among men. The women did not have the right to vote, to go to school or hold any public office. This was and in some places continues to be " the African Culture”. I love my African heritage BUT I AM AGAINST any practices in violation of human rights such as;

- Child brides and Forced marriages

- Human Sacrifices

- Breast Ironing

- Genital Mutilation

- Religious persecutions….muslims vs.christains v.jew.vs etc

- Human Trafficking

- Sex with virgins because of the “belief” that it will cure one of HIV

- Any form of DISCRIMINATION be it race, gender or religion

and the list goes on and on……of atrocities that still go on today in the name of TRADITION & CULTURE.

Given that I am not currently on location in Nigeria, most of my knowledge about what is going on is base on reading news outlets such as Sahara Reporters, Reuters, BBC and CNN.

December 8, 2011

Blog Share #13789 - We Still have each other

I just had to share this blog post from...'It's Delta's Blog"

After a sleepless and restless night, I got online to see what kind of trouble i could get into ^_^ and what do you know....i ran into this particular blog and it was so touching I spent all night reflecting on the message.

Here is an except from the post but i really encourage you to go read the whole thing.

And I remember the irritation I would feel when in the middle of a discussion about some latest catastrophe that had befallen us (Cholera outbreak or what-not) someone from the diaspora would butt in to air their views and have the ‘nerve’ to sound more upset than we were!
What right did they have, I thought at the time, what right did they have to care about what was going down in the country they had chosen to flee?

They are angry because they made huge personal sacrifices that have forever altered the course of their lives.

They are angry because they live in countries where they are treated as second class citizens, stripped of their dignity and forced to forget their glowing transcripts and dust-covered degrees and certificates to become lowly menial labourers.

They are angry because they have lost loved ones and not had the chance to say good bye or to bury them.

They are angry because they have fallen sick and gotten better without a single relative to nurse them back to health, because they have been hurt and they had no one to call out to in an alien land.

They are angry because they suffered too.

And they are angry because deep in their hearts they know that their suffering was needless; that the downward spiral our country took was avoidable and they are angry because they were forced to swallow their pride and work under the most appalling conditions; live under the most harsh terms and watch their lives hang in suspension for years as they apply and wait for papers and permits and residence statuses and indefinite leave to stay!

They are angry because they are now a disenfranchised group, because they have borne children here and because their lives are uprooted from where they come from.

They are angry because their identity has been threatened with the refusal to grant dual or multiple citizenship.

They are angry because they have worked shift-upon-shift and sent money back home to spouses, children, relatives or friends who took advantage and squandered what they sweated so painfully to earn......."

December 4, 2011

Tis the season

For Style’s Sake( is running a Christmas contest in which you are encouraged to submit pictures showcasing how you incorporate holiday colors into your style. You can read more about the contest at their blog. 

Since I had recently taken some pictures, I decided to participate  in the contest. Plus….I NEVER WIN ANYTHING.  Maybe this time around I will win something.

Warning: I am not a fashion Blogger. I have no idea of what I am doing. So be gentle with the critics ok?

Here are my submissions based on holiday parties I have attended so far.
Loretta 1Finger partyLoretta2loretta3loretta 5me

    Speaking of parties…..I recently went to an African “end of year” meeting. A discussion about education, career and marriage took an unpredictable turn when someone told me.. 

if I pursued a Doctorate degree, my chances of finding a husband and getting married will be greatly diminished...

Of course this statement came from an African Man. However, instead of unleashing my “wrath” and school him on the Women’s Liberation movement and etc.….I realized I was speaking a some one who was “fresh off the boat”. 
So I smiled and preceded to change the topic. 

When will such ignorance and issues surrounding gender inequality stop? This is exactly why when it comes to dating and marriage, I have decided to set my eyes so far away from people of African descent who are immersed in cultural traditions that insist  and encourage a meek and subordinate role for the African woman. 

My prayer for that gentleman, is that over time, with exposure to a new culture and way of thinking, some of those discriminatory perceptions will depart from him!

Only time with tell. I can't believe after all the disrespectful comments he had to say about women, he proceeded to ask for me number? 
see my life.