December 29, 2011

I went out to "Play"

The sun came out in Boston and you know this child of Africa had to getoutofthehouse and go get a hug. As if am not "dark"enough.
 #That moment you realize you should have gotten off the previous exit to avoid being stuck in a traffic stand still#
I later drove by the reason for the traffic...some one's car was on fire in the tunnel in the middle of the high way. I hope no one died :/

View from bridge while on standstill traffic. I was stuck on the bridge for a long time because it didn't occur to me that rush hour occurs everyday around 4-sih...blame the holidays. All that eating has left me dull. But then again, bad sense of timing is a reoccurring theme in my life.

. I took advantage of the "cool" weather to wear my all time favourite flats and gallivant around town thrifting. This was suppose to be a household items aka groceries shopping trip but that is a story for another day.
I got them from Pay-less as a summer shoe and after over 3 years we are still going strong and steady.

And what a good day it was. With $50.00 I got a brand new leather belt, a brand new pair of wedge sandals, 2 pencil skits in green and blue, Ralph Lauren pants, Gap jeans and much more......ah la vie est belle je vous dit.


  1. Adore the trousers. Are they pink or red? Difficult to tell. Happy new year and hope you had a nice christmas too;-)

  2. Thanks. They are red but under different lighting they sometimes come off as a mixture between orange and red. I don't know what that is called.
