December 4, 2011

Tis the season

For Style’s Sake( is running a Christmas contest in which you are encouraged to submit pictures showcasing how you incorporate holiday colors into your style. You can read more about the contest at their blog. 

Since I had recently taken some pictures, I decided to participate  in the contest. Plus….I NEVER WIN ANYTHING.  Maybe this time around I will win something.

Warning: I am not a fashion Blogger. I have no idea of what I am doing. So be gentle with the critics ok?

Here are my submissions based on holiday parties I have attended so far.
Loretta 1Finger partyLoretta2loretta3loretta 5me

    Speaking of parties…..I recently went to an African “end of year” meeting. A discussion about education, career and marriage took an unpredictable turn when someone told me.. 

if I pursued a Doctorate degree, my chances of finding a husband and getting married will be greatly diminished...

Of course this statement came from an African Man. However, instead of unleashing my “wrath” and school him on the Women’s Liberation movement and etc.….I realized I was speaking a some one who was “fresh off the boat”. 
So I smiled and preceded to change the topic. 

When will such ignorance and issues surrounding gender inequality stop? This is exactly why when it comes to dating and marriage, I have decided to set my eyes so far away from people of African descent who are immersed in cultural traditions that insist  and encourage a meek and subordinate role for the African woman. 

My prayer for that gentleman, is that over time, with exposure to a new culture and way of thinking, some of those discriminatory perceptions will depart from him!

Only time with tell. I can't believe after all the disrespectful comments he had to say about women, he proceeded to ask for me number? 
see my life.

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