July 30, 2020

Speaking up is a muscle: Exercise it

I've always been very proud of being black but something about everything going on around RACE IN AMERICA, has made me to become protectively fierce of being black in a way that I wasn't in the past.

It's also made me to reflect in the moments especially at work (corporate america) where disrespectful and condescending statements where made towards me and I choose to bite my tongue than perpetuate the stereotype of the angry black woman.

Today, I think that my silence does a disservice to other people of color /immigrants coming behind me to work for these companies. My silence to the corporate offenses is a green light to encourage covert racism at work. Whether it's a client questioning my academic background without asking the same of my white colleagues or people being impressive with my knowledge as if to say its not expected for people of color and immigrants to be excellent in their craft.

What am taking away from this pandemic-political-racial climate is to do better and be part of the solution in changing company work culture by speaking up.

What if , anything, 

have you taken away from everything that's going 

on now?

How are you speaking up?

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