April 6, 2020

Book Review : Operating in the Courts of Heaven

I was gifted this book by a good friend who was aware of my interest around generational curses and blood covenants. I have been exploring the concept of how my life could be presently affected (cursed, ) by the iniquities of my ancestors.

The author of the book, Robert Henderson, presents some really controversial points. The legal language of the book reminds me so much of the legalistic nature of the old testament. I was honestly exhausted and confused about his theories. Even though he quotes a lot of scriptures, it doesn't seem to be in their right context. I just didn't feel like it was biblically sound. It didn't "sit well" with me. I can't put my hand on exactly what it is that didn't "sit well" with me.

This is where I have to put a disclaimer 
that this is my personal opinion 
and based on my own personal journey with my faith. 

I felt like from a faith point of view, he was making things seem more complicated than they are. And some of the things he talks about kind of counteracts the message of salvation in the new testament and how Jesus came to do away with the "law" and protocols. He makes it seems like the concept of getting your prayers answered is based on a heavenly mathematical equation.

Other than that, the theories were interesting and nice suggestions to contemplate on. I am a huge advocate for reading and getting insight into different faith/spiritual based perspectives and this book did just that for me. 

Do I recommend it? 
Yes but only for the curious. 
For people who are curious about how other people play out their faith. 

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