April 13, 2020

Thoughts on the run

Today, I listened to the minimalist podcast show while on my morning run.
The conversation centered around technology and advertisement.
And how advertisement especially online, is driven by all the data that's being collected on us based on what we consume.

And this is my problem with online advertisement versus traditional media like tv or a bill board. Yes, I know that tradition media also places ads based on data. For example, they'll put laundry  detergent ads at mid day because there's a stay at home parent watching tv. And they'll put toy ads when they think parents and children are most likely to be home watching tv.

BUT, to me, that is still not a personalized ad

The ones that scare me, are the internet ads that are completely based on whatever data has been accumulated over time on the individual based on their internet usage. Those ones are scary because they know your weakness and they play to that, making it more difficult for you to break away from the system or impulse to buy whatever is being marketed. Think about it like you are dropped in a video game where you are asked to find your way to an exit but the game knows everything about you and uses that to its advantage to prevent you from getting to the exit.

A game designed to over ride all your strengths and to make you do what it wants you to do .

They market to your pleasures or fears. And it works.

To check out more conversations on that I recommend checking out the minimalist podcast. They do a good job of breaking down information without being biased or political or whatever because facts are facts.

What do you listen to when you workout?

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