April 4, 2020

Staying healthy during the COVID -19 quarantine

1. Create a Routine
Easier said that done. It's taken me close to 2 weeks to clear the mental fog and create a routine that works. Even now I still have to adjust my routine as needed to make sure am giving myself enough space to be unproductive without self-criticism.

2. Move
There are so many resources on the internet for at home workouts. To the point where it can actually cause you decision paralysis. In those moments when you can't decide what workout to do, play some music and  just dance. Go for a walk. Go up and down your stairs if you have them. Jump ropes in the back yard.
And if all fails you can never go wrong with a burpee + sit up + pushup combo.

3. Eat Healthy
Being quarantined at home is not an excuse to eat unhealthy. As a rule of thumb, if you do not buy it and bring it home then you're not going to be tempted to eat it. As you go shopping for your family, make sure you're stocking up on fruits and vegetables. Include healthy substitutes for your cheat days. I love the Halo lactose free caramel salt ice cream. It satisfies my sweet tooth for half the calories.

4. Disconnect from Technology
Start with an hour and work your way up as the days progress. Create time blocks for when you will watch the news for updates and interact on social media. Set a timer if you need accountability. And when that alarm goes off, disconnect of technology and find something else to occupy your time.

5. Connect with other humans in real time
And by that I mean picking up the phone and calling. Listen to your friends voices over the phone. Hear their laughter or the sadness/concern in their voices that can easily be masked in a text message. Look at your love one's faces in real time with video chatting. We may have momentary lost our ability to "touch" and "hug" our loved ones but we still can interact with our other senses (Sight and Sound). Why will we deliberately cut them off too?

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