November 25, 2019


I remember a season in my life when I was making a 180 degree shift. 
What that transition required of me, was getting rid of many relationships that could not support me on this new journey. 

The aftermath of my choice to change my lifestyle meant I lost many friends. Some walked away because they could not relate to the "new me". Others, I released because we were shifting in opposite directions and could no longer serve each other.

I remember praying for a new community of godly friends. 

Friends who will not only show up physically & emotionally but will also pray for me in the privacy of their homes. 

God answered my prayers and blessed me with an amazing group of young men and women of faith at my current church.

In the past, I was always worried that I could not be a devote christian and still be myself. That I had to get rid of many of the quirks & hobbies that made me, me in order to follow Christ passionately.

And that in doing so, it would be hard to find a cool group of christian young adults to do life with.

Am so thankful that IFC proved me wrong and through our young adult ministry, I have found travel buddies, prayer partners, foodie sisters in Christs lol, nature lovers, hikers, adventure junkies and many other amazing people I get to now call friends.

I don't know when this prejudice that Christians are not cool started, or when I bought into that narrative but Thank God I no longer believe it.

This thanksgiving, I want to say THANK YOU! to all my friends who've supported me this year, especially through my grieve, and who still continue to pray for me and check in on me and tell me how much they love me.
Please don't stop. I need it.

And I love you guys too!

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