November 26, 2019

Honduras Mission trip Summer 2019

Since returning from this mission trip , I have tried several times to write a blog post about my experiences. Each attempt has been met with failure because WORDS are not enough to describe what this experience DID TO ME......Continues to do to me even now as I type this.

WORDS cannot describe my appreciation to Kim, her staff and their ministry in San Pedro, Sula
WORDS cannot describe my appreciation to my YNG family, and how I firmly believe everyone who went on this trip with me was a divine orchestration by God so that we could all lean, take, and receive from one another.
I went to serve and pour out whatever I had in me into every encounter I had in Honduras and yet some how I left refueled , inspired and energized to continue running my life race.

So here is 1% of the story of how my life got changed in Honduras and how that experience is one of the many reasons I will be embarking on a new experience in 2020.

This ICON night.....reminds me now in retrospect of a book am current reading.....where the author talks about how our dreams are dreams within a dream....our dreams are the realities that someone else prayed for...That's why it's so important to follow after the things God has planted in your heart.

Icon Night was ICONIC!!! 

To see where the Grace Dream Center is today, knowing that I was part of the team that weeded the ground and planted the flowers and other plants that will grow in the garden that will be used to feed the kids in the program is's very humbling. My goal is to go back to the dream center, I don't know when and how but I know God will make a away for me to go back there.

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