November 15, 2019

Book Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I didn't read this book but listened to the free Audio Copy of the book on YouTube.

Am not sure if the free audio copy of the book is legal (copyright), but I will link it at the bottom of the blog post for anyone who wants to listen to it before YouTube takes it down.
The irony of me listening to this book in 2019 is that this book was introduced to me in 2011. Instead of reading it, I gave the copy that was given to me to a friend and never got it back. To think that all these years I went without the sound financial advices found in the pages of this book.

I am very certain that, had I read this book back in 2011 instead of now in 2019, I would have began my financial freedom journey as soon as I moved to Boston instead of when I would eventually start it in 2015.

I love this book and I highly recommend it to everyone no matter your age and financial status. Most importantly, I recommend it to anyone who is starting out on their financial freedom journey. There is no need for us to keep repeating certain mistakes when we can just learn how to avoid them from educational books like this one. This book is a savior for those of us who did not grow up with parents who were financially literate. It gives us the opportunity to break down the vicious circles of living with a poverty mentality, paycheck to paycheck.

Currently, am taking part in Financial Peace University to help me figure out how to pay down my student loans which make up of 90% of my debt.

As the book states, the rich say, How are we going to accomplish our goals...not , oh we can't do it....These days am all about rebuking all poverty mindset attitudes and surrounding myself with doers and visionaries, not people with defeatist mentalities.

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