November 11, 2019

The land of the free and Home of the Brave

The irony about freedom is it's cost.
 Freedom is never free. 
Freedom will cost you or someone else something*
It will cost a whole country something.
A whole race generations of psychological trauma

For me freedom in America, or at least the freedom that is glorified is very elusive.

We celebrate the liberties of the nation but it came at a price.
A price many generations are still paying the cost for.
A price some racists still want to keep on inflicting on the black american community as if they are not hurting enough. It's hard to talk about freedom while living in America. It's like asking a prisoner to talk about freedom because you've taken them out of their jail room into the open courtyards of the prison house that's still surrounded by an electric fence and snipers on the roof who are ready to shot to kill any one who tries to escape.

But what I can talk about with honor, is every man and woman freedom fighter. Who has been willing to put down their life, to fight for what they believe. People who have the courage to make the ultimate sacrifices for a greater good that they may not get to experience.

To these brave soldiers, men and women of valor, I say thank you! for your sacrifices. To the Martin Luther kings, the Nelson Mandelas and the Rosa Park of of our times, Thank you for showing us what it means to give ourselves up for things that are bigger than us. Because of you, we get to live as we currently do, in these United States of America. Even as we keep fighting to stay free and gain more access.

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