May 29, 2016

Full Circle - Memorial Holiday 2016

It's amazing what can happen in a year! 

I love to compare & contrast life events in different seasons and years. It's one of the many reasons why I've maintained a yearly detailed journal and planner for over fifteen years!

Last year's memorial holiday (girl's reunion) had me on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, flirting with Dallas Texas's sexy coast guard officers . It was also during this season that I learned of my beloved uncle's passing and rushed to Cameroon for his funeral.

This year, our family celebrated my mother's graduation with a Master's degree as we prepare to welcome 2 new babies into the fold; one of them will be my late uncle's grandchild.

On my end, last year around this same season through December, I visited 3 countries and over 10 cities in the USA. To be quiet honest, symbolically, I was running away from my problems. Running away from yet another failed relationship and not wanting to come to terms with it's inevitable end. 

Running because I dreaded the idea of being single - AGAIN.

This memorial holiday, I'm having a quiet vacation.

I traded time with friends for time with family. 

I  traded pigging and drinking my way through all-inclusive resorts with 24/7 buffets and unlimited drinks bars for a 20 mile run + walk goal. 

I've traded busy airports for some quiet reading time to finish "My Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes and to hopefully start reading "When breath becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi. 

And most importantly, I've traded the feelings of shame & rage from being a victim of gross treachery & infidelity in a relationship to one of  love & gratitude for all the lovely people who do treat me with  kindness, respect and dignity #TheGoldenRule

Having lost so many within the past couple of months, I am grateful to still be alive, to still have the capacity to pursue my dreams and the awareness that all my immediate needs ( not desires) are met.

Regardless of whether you know people in the arm services or not, or whether you agree/disagree with the concept of wars, may this memorial holiday serve as a reminder that life is precious and that just as a child blows out a birthday candle, so can it easily all come to an end.

Life is a gift from God, treasure it.

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