April 20, 2015

Time Square is over rated - Upstate New York

I recently traveled to upstate New York for a spring retreat. With Times Square and the bustling city life as my only previous experiences of the state, I was in for a surprise. 
The journey took me across Vermont, into a region filled with mountains,river falls and frozen lakes.

Everything was fresh-ER

The air smelled pure and cool 

The spring water from the mountains is drinkable      
The sky is clear & unclouded  by pollutants  and the stars are visible are night.

The endless roads with picturesque sceneries where ideal for therapeutic long distance runs.

Some of the places I visited included the Hague Community Center and Museum, North Hudson Buffalo Farm and the Up Yonda farm for a Maple Sugaring tour.

If you are looking for a quiet gateway to reconnect with nature ,
I recommend the quiet mountain towns.
Everything is so peacefully and still. 
Even the buffalo on the farms are so stoic. They moved so slowly and stood very still for long minutes. At first I thought they were statues and not the real deal.

A hill next to the Maple Syrup touring farm provides a breathtaking view of Lake George. Even the sun sets seems more beautiful than those in Boston. The frozen lakes, beaver damns and snowed in forests felt like scenes out of a Thomas Kinkade painting

Reconnecting with nature and getting rid of the noise that sometimes accompanies technology is very rewarding.  
Your inner voice becomes loud and clear. 

Your mind is in tune with your subconscious. Your thoughts become exposed and displayed out in an organised manner. This was my personal experience especially when I went running very early in the morning. I plan on returning to these parts of the state of New York and exploring more mountain towns and lakes.

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