August 13, 2014

Summer 2014 Update: Health and Fitness

Salut mes amis!

Its been 2 months too long from proper blogging but am back to regular programming.

Its been a rough but rewarding summer so far.

I was teaching summer school and taking 2 summer crash courses
 ( Chemistry & Statistics ).
 I will not have made the good grades if I didn't take time away from social media to F.O.C.U.S

(my classroom)
The downside to being overwhelmingly busy was that between school and work, there was no room to work out regularly.

I miss doing yoga :(

I lost my stamina + endurance + gained weight (my friend thinks am being dramatic) BUT its true!

Running the NABJ 5K was a reality check. I was struggling! 
This...coming from someone who use to runs 10+ miles.

But  now that am done with summer classes, here's to hoping I can get back on a regular running routine.

As part of my new role of run ambassador for BGR (Black Girls Run), I've been organizing 5:30am morning runs in my neighborhood. 

I didn't think I was cut out for 5am workouts but am loving it. The temperature is cool, and its a great way to KICK-START your day. It's also going to help me get ready for the 5K am doing in Atlanta next month as part of the BGR Sweat with your Sole conference.
How is your<~~~ summer going so far?

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