June 17, 2014

May Favorites 2014

I  can't believe we are already half way through the year!

How are those new year resolutions coming along?
see my new year post here

Today was my "off" day and one of the things I did was revisit my 2014 resolutions to check off, edit and add on to the list. Lists and deadlines help put your goals into perspective. They also provide a clear way to evaluate progress and rate your  performance.

Here is what I have been up to outside of school and work . 
This definitely ranks as one of my busiest summers.

Its world cup fever time. Am trying to catch as many games as possible. So far am very impressed with the south american teams. It seems they have no intentions of letting the cup leave the region.
On my end, I joined a summer women's soccer league and its been fun reliving my college glory days.

If you follow me on instagram, you'll remember me talking about doing protein pancakes.....
...... weeks ago  ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

I finally got around to trying out some recipes. They all turned out good except for the recipes with yogurt.

I did not like how the yogurt changed the consistency of the mixture. Neither did I like the "added" flavour it was suppose to be adding to the recipe.

Quiet frankly between the protein powder and eggs, you get enough proteins daily requirement, you don't need the overload

Besides that little glitch*, I enjoyed the pancakes and even forgot to take pictures of the final product.
They were that good.

Products am Loving

Body Butters
I love body butters. When I found out the body shop had a buy 3 get 3 for free sale, I decided to stuck up. I got one of each . Hello to soft and moisturized summer skin
- Coconut                          - Brazilian Nut                                    - Shea
- Almond                       - Cocoa                        - Jambo Satsuma

Mighty Leaf Tea
Am really loving this brand of tea. I love the selections they carry specifically the Organic Hojicha green tea and the Organic African Necta tea. The pouches have the real tea leaves! with fruits and other ingredients unlike some tea companies where you get a grind up version of some concoction.
I also love that their selections range from organic to caffein and caffein free options.

I must confess am not doing as much as I would love to do for the summer season. I'm not doing long distance runs on a consistent basis because of  my hectic schedule. Its easy to plug in a < 3-6 miles run and then go to work but i need to factor in recovery and etc for those 10+milers.

Some good news: I have decided to be more involved with a running organisation here in Boston. I hope that this new commitment and responsibilities to the organisation will also keep me accountable of my fitness journey and lifestyle.

Its that time of the year. I will be taking my dying indoor yoga practice to the fields. Hopefully the beautiful summer weather will inspire me to make more time for yoga.

What are you summer plans?
No vacation for me till am done with summer school.
Having something to look forward to gives me the drive and motivation to keep pushing on even though I feel exhausted.

Back to soccer
Who do YOU <~~~ want to see in the finals? 

 Who do you want to Win?

As a Cameroonian American, naturally I feel inclined to root for all my African teams and team USA!

But....as a soccer player, I want the best and most deserving team to win. I want to see beautiful football.

I want to see amazing dribbling skills and goals.

Joga Bonito Mes amis  ^_^

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