November 6, 2013

Sweater Weather TAG

I don't think there's ever been a tag post on this blog. Part of

 the reason is, I've never been tagged by anyone. 

Here we go. 

1. Favorite candle scent? 

I'm not crazy about fruity or food scents. I prefer scents like...Evergreen Forest, Pines, Clean 

Laundry, Burning wood  etc

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

Coffee - BLACK but am trying to be good and step down to healthy Tea options

3. What's the best fall memory you have?

It isn't so much a  memory but a state of mind. We spend more time indoors in the fall and 

winter seasons because of the weather. My indoor time during those months is spent catching 

up on books/novels, finding new music artists online, doing Yoga and rediscovering ME. I love

 fall for forcing me in a sense to get to that state of mind because its too cold to be outside. Its 

also a time for me to spend looking back on the year and accessing my growth or lack off...

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner? 

Dark Lips. You can play with different colors. Dark Red, Dark Purple, Dark Brown......a wing 

eyeliner is a wing eyeliner. Plus I don't know how to do it. Everyone can apply lipsticks.

5. Best fragrance for fall?

I don't have seasonal fragrances. I wear one thing 24/7 until it runs out and then at that point I 

may try a new scent. Or not. I don't like to change my scent. Especially if my significant other 

loves it :)

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food? 

Green Beans Casserole. 

Sorry there's nothing special about the good old turkey.....#inmyhumbleopinion.

7. What is autumn weather like where you live?

Its Beautiful. Its Unpredictable. Its the best weather to run in. Its chill enough where its not too 

cold so you can run without many layers but at the same time keeps you cool when you're body

 heats up from exercising

8. Most worn sweater? 

The Ones I use to run outdoors. My Old faithfuls. 2 of which are my college soccer 


9. Must-have nail polish this fall? 

"Do You  Boo" . Does it really matter what season it is with nail polishes?

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?

Jumping In leaf piles and fraternizing with squiggly worms and the occasional snake #TrueStory

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?

Leggings.....they are more forgiving and more stretchable for those holiday food binges

12. Combat boots or Uggs? 

Combat boots. I WALK EVERYWHERE in ANY weather and sometimes I have to do things

 like.....climb a fence...... I thought I left that in my youths but apparently not.

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype? 

YES + YES + YES. Specifically pumpkin spice lattes, pies and soups.

14. Favorite fall TV show? 

The Originals. I thought I liked Damon from Vampire Diaries but seeing Klaus show so much

 vulnerability in the new spin off is sexy. I know he is a horrible person but he is my horrible sexy

 vampire. #DontJudgeMe

15. What songs really gets you into the fall spirit?

I'm not sure if there is a generic fall spirit that defines the season. My fall spirit is LONG 

DISTANCE RUNNING.  I love songs that allow me to get into the "zone" . Lately I've been 

running to a playlist made up of African artists which am currently working on a blog post about. 

Check the blog later for my fall running play list and let me know what  YOU<~~~ listen to.

Xoxo Mapetiteniche

I hope it helps you get to know me a little better. And feel free to answer any of these questions 

and tag me on twitter @mapetiteniche or Instagram @laurettaashu

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