March 31, 2020

Peace of mind

In this season of social distancing and the restructuring of our lives, I honestly don't know how people who don't practice any sort of Faith/Spirituality are coping.
I don't know what I would do without my church family and my faith to hold on to daily; through prayers and meditating on the word.

How are you coping ?
Are you working out? Eating healthy? Using a meditation app?

It's one thing to have a coping strategy but if it isn't healthy you might find yourself more sick when it's all said and done. 

Wouldn't that be a shame? A tragedy?
That while you were at home trying to prevent yourself from catching the corona virus, you instead gave yourself an alternate disease or condition through substance abuse, alcohol abuse, emotional eating, weight gain and etc

In tomorrow's blog post I'll talk about 5 ways I am staying healthy during the quarantine.

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