July 7, 2013

USA Independence Day 2013 Holiday Chronicles

 As my 4 days vacation winds down, I'm relaxed and in an over all good mood. I'm also content with the decision to load my planner with things to do over those 4 days. I cannot stress the importance of making time for YOU. 
To Live
To Explore
To Learn
To mingle with other fellow Humans.
What strange creatures we are  ^_^

This post gives a little glimpse into how I spent my vacation

Spent July 4th at the beach with friends and family

Watched the Fire Works (p.s. raw footage + amateur videographer. Keyword is snipet. The fireworks went on for a long time )

Midnight conversations with a good friend

Watched Afro Pop band Kina Zoré perform at Middle East. Check them out, they are pretty good. I'll be writing an article about them for the Africans In Boston newsletter so keep an eye out for that.

 Here is a sample of their music

Attended Boston's African Festival where I met some lovely entrepreneurs. I will be doing individual blog posts on the vendors who piqued my interest.

And danced the Saturday night away at Club Royale.
I hope you all had a good break and are looking forward to the new week.

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