July 7, 2012

Boston POPS 2012

In celebration of July 4th, my brother and I decided to hit the town to check out the holiday events and entertainments. It involved A LOT of walking, which is typically O.K by me but on this day, i had already ran 3 miles and played an 1 hrs worth of soccer. It was my first time attending BOSTON POPS and i had a blast. Jennifer Hudson and some local artists performed. The fireworks at the end of the ceremony was definitely worth the thunder/lightening scare + rain down-pour

Pour le quatre(4th) juillet  mon  frère  et moi faire la fete en Boston. Alor on a marché partout pour regardez des danses et plein d'autre truc a propos du fête de l'indépendance. J'étais tellement fatigué parce que j'ai joue au foot et courir le martin avant de sortir.
C'est ma première fois a BOSTON POP. L'ambiance était superb meme avec la pluie qui tombé  en grosses gouttes. Jennifer Hudson et d'autre artistes locale ont chanté  avant la fete du feu d’artifice en musique


  1. ...OMG...the picture of the lake...the clear and greeny one...not the dark and looking haunted...lol...and the fountain...I love it...

  2. thanks...it was just a lucky good shot.I have no photographic skills besides being a zealot obsessed picture taker.
