May 8, 2012

788 Doctors Fired Over strike

Apparently the government of Lagos, Nigeria fired 788 doctors for not giving enough notice before going on a strike. However they also recruited 373 to compensate for the loss and there are hiring some more doctors.

I feel conflicted about this because as a health care worker who wants to move back and work in Cameroon, I am aware of the plight of health care workers in Africa....The lack of proper equipment, infrastructures and a respectable salary for a profession that saves life while the government leaderships continue to loot and bankrupt the country leaves little to be desired.

I hope the government is just trying to show its "muscles" and will give those doctors their jobs at the end of this conflict...

However the news article from AllAfrica states that the doctors and organisations behind the strike did not follow the procedure "as against the time-tested and statute-bound processes and procedures for declaration of industrial disputes".... and only gave the state 24hrs prior to the strike...

If this is true then that's something to think about because they work in an industry in which people/patients can die from lack of medical attention. I guess I never knew they where rules and regulations one had to follow when going on a strike? Or perhaps this only works when you are part of a union?

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