July 30, 2020

Speaking up is a muscle: Exercise it

I've always been very proud of being black but something about everything going on around RACE IN AMERICA, has made me to become protectively fierce of being black in a way that I wasn't in the past.

It's also made me to reflect in the moments especially at work (corporate america) where disrespectful and condescending statements where made towards me and I choose to bite my tongue than perpetuate the stereotype of the angry black woman.

Today, I think that my silence does a disservice to other people of color /immigrants coming behind me to work for these companies. My silence to the corporate offenses is a green light to encourage covert racism at work. Whether it's a client questioning my academic background without asking the same of my white colleagues or people being impressive with my knowledge as if to say its not expected for people of color and immigrants to be excellent in their craft.

What am taking away from this pandemic-political-racial climate is to do better and be part of the solution in changing company work culture by speaking up.

What if , anything, 

have you taken away from everything that's going 

on now?

How are you speaking up?

July 3, 2020

“Without Struggle, Success has no value.”

One of my scriptures for this year has been

20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the Lord[a] will be my God 22 and[b] this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.

I've been on a journey since the beginning of the year. 

I have crossed continents and oceans back and forth and even now I 

find myself in a new city where the journey continues.

In a sense, I feel like all my life I've been on a journey. 

The difference between now and the past is this; 

in the past, I was always looking forward to a destination.

Now, I find more pleasure in enjoying the ride, with little thought to 

the destination. 

My philosophy is, as long as I keep making the right decisions, in the

 right directions then the destination, whatever that becomes, will

 also always be right.

July 1, 2020

My Beach music play list from Youtube

My beach temperament is chill, chill chill.

I just want to lay on a beach chair all day with a good book and a good drink and the ONLY time, I want to get up, is to go cool off in the water and come lay back down.

I don't understand people who want to
 dance and jump around at the beach.

First of all, its too hot for all of that mess.

Second of all, its too hot for all that noise.

My beach music playlist matches my temperament at the beach : RELAXED

Enjoy my beach music selection from the TUBE

My non-diary Treat of the Season : HALO TOP

Honestly, this is more like a treat of the year for me but who's judging?

As a non-diary person I love Halos because they have calorie friendly ,
 yummy tasting ice creams. 

 I am always weary of nutrition substitutes and I have had my fair share of experiences with bad tasting supposedly "healthy" food options.

A pint of ice cream for 320 calories