December 8, 2019

Blogmas 2019: Day 7 Battling Fear

Lately, I've been dealing with the triple threat:
 fear of rejection, anxiety and sadness/depression.
I have to constantly remind myself how little is in my control and how much more of life IS NOT in my control.

How am combating these feelings

1. I take the fearful steps anyways.
 That't better than being paralyzed with indecision.

2. I surrounded myself with people who will affirm and encourage me.

3. I listen to uplifting music that will stir my spirit and shift my focus from my negative emotions into an attitude of gratitude for all the good things that are going well in my life. What ever you feed your mind with, will grow. So I try to Feed my Faith and starve my negative emotions.

Currently I've been listenign to  You're gonna be Okay by Brian & Jenn Johnson of Bethel Music.

How do you handle the difficult times?

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