April 18, 2013

Boston Marathon 2013

As an avid news reader and watcher, every time I learn about something bad happening in some city or country, I sympathize with the citizens.  I try to imagine how they go about their daily lives admits the chaos. But no amount of visualizing or education can prepare you when it happens it your city, in your backyard. Being that this is an exercise blog and I LOVE RUNNING.... of course I attended events all through last week  (Marathon week), taking pictures here and there with the hopes of delighting my readers with Boston Marathon Week. Now all of that seems so insignificant.

I want to thank all my readers, my followers on twitter, facebook and instagram, my family, friends and acquaintances, who all reached out to make sure I was ok. I am humbled by your gestures. I will not be posting any bombing related pics because I don't want to take away from the Good things that DID happen. 

Besides, I think we are all getting an overload of gory details from the media anyways.

I took some personal time off to come to terms with what happened and will resume blogging soon.

Once again, THANK YOU . MERCI. Je vous embrasse

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