March 14, 2013

My SpringBreak 2013 Reading List

....If I was lucky enough to have a 1 week Spring Break vacation.....

Every now and then I miss the old college days. But then am reminded of the childish dramas , the perpetual state of being broke and the mental torture of trying to figure out my [purpose/career path/goals] in life.

and THEN , I don't miss college so much any more.

In reminiscent of Throw Back Thursdays, here is a reading list of books I may have taken on a 1 week spring break trip to a far far away paradise island.

1. Solo: A Memoire of Hope 

2. On The Line by Serena Williams

 3. A Father First: How My Life became Bigger Than Basketball by Dwayne Wade

4. Soul Surfer: A True story of Faith, Family and Fighting to Get Back on The Board by Bethany Hamilton

5.  Grace, Gold and Glory: My Leap Of Faith by Gabrielle Douglas & Michelle Burford

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