January 23, 2013

Winter Blues Series - Intro

Here I thought having a non-white Christmas was an indication that global warming...(which isn't necessarily a good thing)...was going to make us have a warmer than typical Boston winter.


MISTAKE #1.The past couple of days have been pire! Today we are at 11 degree with a Gale warning according to the weather apps. I didn't know what Gale is, until I goggled it after my morning workout out door run. 

Had I done my homework and checked the weather status before stepping out for a run, I will not have been running outside to begin with. No wonder I wept mentally throughout the 3 miles. There was no point in physically crying. Every sweat or nasal sniffle was being frozen into an icy decorative center piece on my face.

MISTAKE #2 - Signing Up for a Half Marathon for March without much thought/plan on how/where I will work out.

Don't get me wrong, am glad to be doing this from a fitness perspective BUT STILL...if i was smarter, given that am new to this extreme winters situation, perhaps i should not have signed up for an event that requires me to train throughout winter.

But what’s done is DONE.

I'm going to dedicate the next 7 days or 8 to winter related posts. From alternative ways of staying active indoors, tackling the psychology behind winter blues and how to boost your metabolism during this mordit weather.

Goodluck on all your new year resolutions. I hope you are staying strong. January is almost over. However long or short they may be, 1 months down, 11 more months to go.

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