May 1, 2012

RIP Aberdeen Shikoyi

As written on BBC AFRICA, the captain of the Kenya Women's Rugby Team, Aberdeen Shikoyi has passed away after sustaining a spinal cord injury from a previous game.

I've been trying to find an article that can provide more details about the nature of her injury because with spinal cord am thinking disability, and not necessarily death. One site, MichezoAfrika states that she was kneed  in the spine by an opponent and while on the floor, another player stepped on her neck!...The possibilities of injuries from the neck and spine are countless.

 I sadly wonder, what ever it may be..if it was preventable? If this had occurred in the west...will she still be death? I can never get over how people in Africa keep dying of  preventable circumstances. Having sport medicine staffs who are trained in emergency protocols on  the field during a game, especially in high contact sports such as rugby and football, can make the difference between Life and Death.

May her soul rest in peace.


  1. I do not think you will get more details about the nature of her injury because that information has not been released I believe in accordance with her family's wishes.

    Aberdeen was not kneed and stepped on during the incident. She tackled an opponent weighing over 100kgs who was running pretty hard. The impact knocked over Aberdeen (about 65kgs) and the opponent landed on her neck knees first.

    If she were in the west, would she have died? No one knows BUT there was a team of competent trained (in sports medicine and pitch side emergency procedures) medical officers at the pitch side who stabilised her and eventually stretchered her off the pitch into an ambulance where she was taken to a hospital and admitted into ICU. She was then airlifted to Nairobi where she underwent surgery. Unfortunately, a week later she passed on.

  2. Thanks for the update. MichezoAfrika was not clear as to the biomechanics of her injury. The article made it seem like it was an intentional "hit"

  3. You are welcome. I cannot understand the motivation behind the journalist who wrote that article for Michezo but he was not even present at the game and completely disregarded statements from the Kenyan coach as well as other Kenyan officials. Unfortunately we live in an era of irresponsible journalism where individuals are more interested in sensationalism than in reporting facts. Witness accounts (including from Aberdeen herself before she passed on) as well as video recordings of the game ruled out foul play.
