November 27, 2011

Mon proposes, God disposses

Today I lost a very dear friend. Ours was one of the first few trustworthy bonds I developed after moving to the U.S. And this bond continued up until now. Many will be surprised to learn of this friendship. It was like night and day. Oil and water. With seemingly nothing in common but the mere fact that we were both Cameroonians.

However that was not the case. He had the same dreams and desires like every one of us. To acquire the American dream and become a financial support pillar for his family. Unfortunately, as with many friendships, we went about achieving these dreams in separate ways. But despite those differences we stayed true to our friendship.

I always accused him of having a split personality. This was the root of the misplaced perception others seem to have about him. But as we all know, to every story there are 2 sides. The man I knew was a kind gentleman. Whom I couldn’t take serious or keep a straight face around. A cheerful giver of his time and resources to those in need around him. He was full of advice even though He never put any of them to practice himself. A man who like all of us had his doubts, fears and concerns but did a good job masking all of it from the rest of the world. I always wished others had the same privilege to experience this different side of his personality.

 Christmas holiday plans where made. So many unfinished conversations as old as 2004 to be hashed out into the New Year. Ours was a never ending debate in which we both disagreed to agree. This is definitely the biggest rude awakening of my lifetime.

 And yet so many lessons to be learned from this tragedy. I guess man proposes and God disposes.

Rest In Peace George, I will miss you dearly.


Man Killed in Cumberland Mall Shooting:

A fight in a parking lot near Cumberland Mallturned deadly Saturday night. 

Cobb Police said George B. Tabetando, 29, of Powder Springs died of gunshot wounds after getting into a fight with another man around 7 p.m. Saturday in a parking lot of the Macy's department store, near the Cobb Community Transit bus station on Cumberland Boulevard.
Cobb Police Spokesman Sgt. Dana Pierce said in a news release Sunday morning that witnesses saw the male suspect flee the scene in a brown, charcoal or gray BMW. 
Pierce said the suspect is a black male with dreadlocks, and was last seen wearing dark clothing and in possession of a handgun. He also said police think the BMW may have been driven by a black female. 
Pierce said after the two men began fighting, the suspect pulled out a handgun and shot a man later identified as Tabetando several times, chasing him into a roadway. 
Tabetando was taken to Emory Adventist Hospital in Smyrna and died there, Pierce said. 
Cobb Police are asking that anyone with information about events leading up to the shooting and who can identify Tabetando to call 770-499-3945.


A fight in a parking lot near Cumberland Mall turned deadly Saturday night.
Cobb Police said George B. Tabetando, 29, of Powder Springs died of gunshot wounds after getting into a fight with another man around 7 p.m. Saturday in a parking lot of the Macy's department store, near the Cobb Community Transit bus station on Cumberland Boulevard.
Cobb Police Spokesman Sgt. Dana Pierce said in a news release Sunday morning that witnesses saw the male suspect flee the scene in a brown, charcoal or gray BMW.
Pierce said the suspect is a black male with dreadlocks, and was last seen wearing dark clothing and in possession of a handgun. He also said police think the BMW may have been driven by a black female.
Pierce said after the two men began fighting, the suspect pulled out a handgun and shot a man later identified as Tabetando several times, chasing him into a roadway.

November 26, 2011

Happy Thanks Giving 2011


Its Saturday night and am still eating. Its terrible because am not hungry. Just plain Greedy!

So greedy I was too full and  having  food separation anxiety that I did not go out shopping on black Friday and Saturday. Plans where made, lists where jotted down, stores to attack where sketched out and yet I was left on the couch, eating rice and peas with a side of pumpkin pound cake. #Confessionsofafatgirlwithaneatingdisorder
The workout routine is definitely kicking into high gear next week. Instead of my regular 10 miles per day I will be averaging 15 so help me gawd!
My brother setting up the table

SAM_0787 My dad. Thank You Lord! for the gift of a father in my life.

I had to stand, stretch and move my body around to make more room for dessert and coffee


Lost the chunky XX jumper after dinner. 

That turkey attack left me hot and sweaty.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

 Next year I hope to instead participate in some kind of community service during this time instead of staying at home and pigging out.

 I really feel guilty about my behavior this time.

This year I am thankful for;

1. Graduating from school

2. Moving to Boston and getting a good job immediately….in this recession

3. My dad defeating Cancer . I know of so many stories like his that did not end on a good note. 

A cure for this disease is imperative!

   Thank you Lord!

Miss Africa USA 2011 Recap

work outfit MAUSAAs I mentioned in my last post, I traveled to Silver Springs, MD for the Miss Africa USA pageant final competitions. It was an amazing experience and another great opportunity to network with individuals interested in everything AFRICA.  I should have made an attempt to blog my experiences and adventures every day because right now, thinking about the whole trip feels pretty overwhelming.

Some events where a repeat of my previous travels to DC.I ran into an acquaintance from the summer LA trip I take every year to California for the African Vibes magazine I WEAR AFRICA fashion show. It was so exciting and fun to see her again. 

I also went to a “maquis” which I had previously visited 4 years ago when I went to DC for my birthday and President Barack Obama’s inauguration ^_^ ! We had your typical Cameroon delicacies……Soya! and poisson brissee…..The fish looked so yummy I ate it, even though I typical do not eat fish. And of course the following day, I had an upset stomach.

There was a banquet formal night, an evening at the famous Abyssinia Ethiopian restaurant , a night out at Phassion Lounge and dinner hosted by Mrs Hope Sullivan Masters. I really liked the décor of the lounge and the vibe was great. The Dj (FLY)was on point but maybe my opinion is biased because he is a good friend from Atlanta who flew in to cover the pageant events. Mrs Hope was a wonderful host and I look forward to working with her foundation in the future.

check in table MAUSA 2011
working the check-in table on the night of the formal Banquette. I have to say, we have a long way to go as a community when it comes to proper code of conducts at a formal event. 
Rules are Rules people!

 rehersals MAUSA 2011
taking a break from rehearsals. 

Ethiopian dancers MAUSA 2011
Ethiopian cultural dancers. They were so entertaining!

gown shopping….
Shopping with some girl friends for  last minute formal attires. You know how we women are, you gotta have options!

Limo ride MAUSA 2011

Limo ride to Dinner Hosted by Mrs. Hope Suillivan Masters

MAUSA 2011 Final contestants
The 16 beautiful contestants

My good friend Linda looking!

Mrs Hope Sullivan having a discussion with the girls, on their different platforms


****MISS CAMEROON!!!!!!!!!!****

I WAS SOOOOOOO PROUD OF HER. 1st time a Cameroonian has won.

All in all…it was a great trip and I am happy about the decision to go because the break away from Boston was HIGHLY NEEDED and over due.

November 8, 2011

Miss Africa Usa 2011

Time flies by so fast!

Its already been another year. Wow! And what has yours truely accomplished? Atleast I finally graduated from school and have fully emancipated into the work force. My parents have been thanking God daily  :)

As with last year...which i would have happily linked you to the post with pictures [ damn you google for losing my albums! : /   ] I will be travelling to D.C for the Miss Africa USA pageant. I love working for the organisation because it is so refreshing to see so many talent ladies in one room.

Here are the 2011 Miss Africa USA 2011 Delegates

It is an inspiration and definitely speaks against the stereotype of african women as helpless and uneducated. Every single participant has excelled both in the fields of academia, career and community service.

 My favourite parts of the competiton continues to be the culture attires. It encourages the girls to become creative with their cultural "ashuabis" and colors.   You can find out more information about this fun and family friendly event at

A new and exciting component of the pageant is the introduction of the Aretha Makia Scholarship Fund for the winner. This is very important since most of the participants are college students. Dr Makia is a former Miss Cameroon and was responsible for asking last year's participants their final questions. This definitely increases the raison d'être for participating in the competiton! Read more about this fund and other updates at

Here is last year's winner, Miss Fifi Soumah from the Republic of Guinea. I believe she did an amazing job as the queen and I look forward to hearing more about her works in other publications. She is definitely a force to be reckon.

Happy Election Day 2012

2009 saw a turning point in American politics and history with many young adults engaging and participating in the presidential election process. I'm pretty sure this is one of several reasons why President Barack Obama won :). Now we have an "Occupy Wall Street" movement sweeping across the nation. Regardless of your political ideologies, they will remain nothing but ideas if you do not participate in both your local and national elections. How else will the rights or reforms you want come into existence if you do not vote.

So go out and register to VOTE!!!