November 26, 2011

Happy Thanks Giving 2011


Its Saturday night and am still eating. Its terrible because am not hungry. Just plain Greedy!

So greedy I was too full and  having  food separation anxiety that I did not go out shopping on black Friday and Saturday. Plans where made, lists where jotted down, stores to attack where sketched out and yet I was left on the couch, eating rice and peas with a side of pumpkin pound cake. #Confessionsofafatgirlwithaneatingdisorder
The workout routine is definitely kicking into high gear next week. Instead of my regular 10 miles per day I will be averaging 15 so help me gawd!
My brother setting up the table

SAM_0787 My dad. Thank You Lord! for the gift of a father in my life.

I had to stand, stretch and move my body around to make more room for dessert and coffee


Lost the chunky XX jumper after dinner. 

That turkey attack left me hot and sweaty.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

 Next year I hope to instead participate in some kind of community service during this time instead of staying at home and pigging out.

 I really feel guilty about my behavior this time.

This year I am thankful for;

1. Graduating from school

2. Moving to Boston and getting a good job immediately….in this recession

3. My dad defeating Cancer . I know of so many stories like his that did not end on a good note. 

A cure for this disease is imperative!

   Thank you Lord!

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