November 8, 2011

Miss Africa Usa 2011

Time flies by so fast!

Its already been another year. Wow! And what has yours truely accomplished? Atleast I finally graduated from school and have fully emancipated into the work force. My parents have been thanking God daily  :)

As with last year...which i would have happily linked you to the post with pictures [ damn you google for losing my albums! : /   ] I will be travelling to D.C for the Miss Africa USA pageant. I love working for the organisation because it is so refreshing to see so many talent ladies in one room.

Here are the 2011 Miss Africa USA 2011 Delegates

It is an inspiration and definitely speaks against the stereotype of african women as helpless and uneducated. Every single participant has excelled both in the fields of academia, career and community service.

 My favourite parts of the competiton continues to be the culture attires. It encourages the girls to become creative with their cultural "ashuabis" and colors.   You can find out more information about this fun and family friendly event at

A new and exciting component of the pageant is the introduction of the Aretha Makia Scholarship Fund for the winner. This is very important since most of the participants are college students. Dr Makia is a former Miss Cameroon and was responsible for asking last year's participants their final questions. This definitely increases the raison d'ĂȘtre for participating in the competiton! Read more about this fund and other updates at

Here is last year's winner, Miss Fifi Soumah from the Republic of Guinea. I believe she did an amazing job as the queen and I look forward to hearing more about her works in other publications. She is definitely a force to be reckon.

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