August 30, 2012


My friend posted the bottom is says feel free to share and so I am sharing :) because these feelings resonate very strongly with me...too

I feel awful about what we do to ourselves. It is puzzling 
 how sometimes it feels we are our own enemies. We dig very comfortable graves for ourselves and we willfully climb the steps down to our own doom sometimes I think we are suicidal. We commit murder on ourselves. That’s what it means to be suicidal.

I feel awful about what others do to us. We claim to be very hospitable people. Our borders are relatively open and people walk through us and treat us with scorn. They rob us of our manhood and render us impotent. We watch bad things happen to us, bad things that spite us, bad things that ridicule us in the eyes of others, bad things we copy from other people. I feel so awful about it that I sometimes feel if I were in some position of power, I’ll have a different twist on diplomacy. 

When I look at my country and contemplate what seems to be done to us from outside when we are actually robbed of some of our precious natural and human resources I almost give credit to one time dictator of Ugandan, Idi Amin, who despite his insane reactions sometimes also set some records straight. We give ourselves to flattery and behave like accomplices to those brief case waving foreign helpers who come with a smile on their faces, portend to, establish themselves bringing in an Armanda of their country men, or plunder and exploit us under the guise of development. 

They twist their tongues in their mouths telling us how we are making progress while our people are perishing in poverty and disease and they are getting the better part of the deal.I feel awful to note that we seem to do nothing about it even when we are abused to our faces. One would think we have surrendered ourselves to some foul play because we too have done certain things that have handcuffed our legitimate independence. 

What happened in London at the Olympics with our athletes and their defection from camp, is yet another of those unfortunate happenings that make us look terrible in the eyes of the world. And there seems to be nothing we can do about it. It is already an awful adventure to go to some of our foreign embassies to acquire a visa, all because of our bad reputation. And when acts as that one committed in London do surface, our state becomes even more detrimental. 

I can remember how I was ridiculed at the Nairobi International Airport in Kenya. I had a service passport, and I had to attend a conference in Johannesburg South African. Since our direct air links with South Africa were no longer functioning, we had to go by Kenya Airways through Nairobi to Johannesburg. That’s of course an awesome long route I had my papers to attend the conference and the assurance that a visa would be given to me on my arrival in Johannesburg. There was yet no South African Embassy in Yaounde. On arrival at Nairobi I was detained for not having a visa even though I was a transit passenger. They were scared of me because of my Cameroonian origin. Cameroonians had duped Kenyans so badly they had an awful regard for us. And even when you had genuine reasons for being in Kenya, you were treated as a different breed.

 To get a visa for Kenya, you would either travel to Nigeria or to Gabon and that’s because of our reputation for being fake all the time. Don’t trust those Cameroonians, they are very sleak and sleazy and the word goes around.

How can it be that we have a British High Commission in Cameroon and our visas to Queen Elizabeth’s country are issued from Accra in Ghana it takes a minimum of two weeks for one to know whether or not a visa will be granted. Our senior government officials are subjected to such humiliation and not to talk of the ordinary citizen that we are. And behold we too claim to be a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. That’s abominable!

How can you believe that we have a High Commission of Canada in Cameroon and our visas have to be issued from Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire? Are we so terrible that some people who flatter us with good words and who are under Her Majesty’s dominion, can be so scornful of us?

But we seem to accept it with no qualms. Such disgrace is apparently accepted as we make declarations of good and fraternal relationships with those people. It is awfully difficult to get a genuine visa from those foreigners. It is even more difficult to get them from those countries which don’t have embassies in Cameroon. 

This is a very delicate diplomatic matter which our authorities should treat with all care and urgency.The incident of our athletes defecting from the London Games, unfortunately may add just another hard wait on our already sealed coffin.

I would not be surprised, that the German would one day send us to Namibia to get visas. 
The French may show us path to Libreville, the Italians to Eritrea, the United States to Liberia, the Spanish to Malabo, the Belgians to Kinshasa, etc. Oh how we seem to be losing face everyday and we don’t seem to do anything right to better the situation.

You know it has always puzzled me why some of these big westerners come to Africa and always by-pass Cameroon. The former French President came several times to Africa. He got closeby to Gabon but never did come to Cameroon. Mrs Clinton has been to Africa on several occasions and Cameroon has always been avoided I could name others. Have we ever questioned why we get this shabby treatment from some of our very renowned partners? 

Now the Chinese are swarming our land space. How will it also be?We really have to mend our ways in this great process of emergence otherwise we may be talking isolation because of our immoral ways. 

Yes, that’s why I feel awful this morning as I ask the question again and again what kind of people we really are?

P.S. Feel free to share

August 27, 2012

DIY: Changing the Batteries of Watches

A couple of days ago, while getting ready for an event i ran into a problem...All my watches with the exception of 1 ( my iron man triathlon sports watch) had stopped working. Granted I have been aware of the  situation for the last couple of months years...i'd made no effort to fix it. The lazy fiend in me always finds a way to justify purchasing a new watch instead of spending $5 on replacement batteries.

And so as you'll have it, the very next day, I bought a new watch

Unfortunately, this time around, my conscious went into over drive. It wouldn't let me enjoy my new watch in PEACE. After a lot of back and forth arguments with my self...which by the way made me look like a mad woman...I made a vow not to wear the new fossil watch until I had replaced the batteries in my older watches.

The Patients :
Upper Quadrant: Guess(L) Dooney & Bourke (R)
Lower Quadrant : Japan Movement (L & R) 
The Tools:

The Results

The Casualty:

Now I can wear my new watch in PEACE
And the Bonus? +4 FUNCTIONAL watches to swap around

August 23, 2012

Victoria VS Dove Ads

I recently came across this on the web.


Here we go again....I do wish Dove had some skinny models. I have a lot of size 0 friends..mind u am not a small or skinny...but i'v seen some of them do everything in the books including drinking up bottles of pediasure? to gain weight since most African men like some meat in their women :).....Sigh...

As for Victoria Secret....need I even comment? There's a reason why they are modeling agencies who have to comb through the nooks & cranes of the world to find these women because the average woman does not look like this....and yes even for the ones that have healthy lifestyle is part of their jobs as models to maintain a certain size. Its part of what they get paid for. Their body is their JOB.

So How do I feel  about this picture? I'm indifferent to it...because I am aware/educated on their reality of what these images represent. My biggest fear with the Real Women Have Curves movement is that some people use that as an excuse to not address the health risks with being over weight. Or to deny even being over weight. Or misinterpret it to mean...FAT is ok.

You can be a real woman with curves BUT make sure you have good BP, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, % Body fat, BMI, LDL, HDL numbers.

So in conclusion, it doesnt matter how big, small, skinny, or "curvy" you look....What do your numbers say?

Lights!Camera!Action! Take#2

What I've been up to lately when my face isnt 6ft deep in American College of Sports Medicine text books

I took a quick gateway weekend trip to Atlanta: what can i say...a girl never forgets her first love

I love this view of Atlanta

At the Clayton State University Women Soccer Alumni game

Good friends = Good times....

For a friend's birthday, I had some edible arrangements delivered

I cooked some snails ALL THE WAY FROM CAMEROON ^_^.......Yummmmmmmyyy! Don't knock it till you've tried it

I found a new restaurant in MA that I will definitely be visiting again...SUYA JOINT...the food was delicious and the atmosphere was good + CLEAN + PROPER. I'll definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to try West African cuisine irrespective of the country

I went with a friend from Nigeria who was casually "offended" that they used a Giraffe next to the word SUYA instead of a do you think? I didnt care. I was hungry and wanted some SUYA.

By the way...their SUYA is the AUTHENTIC one...not the nonsense you see people putting any kind of cow meat on a stick and calling it SUYA.
My nephew...what an adorable bébé

August 22, 2012

"Legitimate Rape"

An open letter from  Sandra Fluke.....I got this on my email.Spread the WORD! and Don't forget to vote

Friend --

In a recent statement that was both factually inaccurate and horribly offensive, Republican Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin said that victims of "legitimate rape" don't get pregnant because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan tried to distance themselves from the remark -- but the fact is they're in lockstep with Akin on the major women's health issues of our time. Just this morning, the Republican Party voted to include the "Human Life Amendment" in their platform, calling for a constitutional ban on abortions nationwide, even for rape victims. Several Romney supporters and advisers stood silently by while this vote took place, and the Los Angeles Times reports that the platform "was written at the direction of Romney's campaign." 

President Obama spoke out in response to Akin's comments: "What I think these comments do underscore is why we shouldn't have a bunch of politicians, a majority of whom are men, making health care decisions on behalf of women."

This controversy is not an accident, or a mistake, or an isolated incident. It's a reflection of a Republican Party whose policies are dangerous for women.

There is a clear choice for women in this election: Stand with President Obama.

I entered this national debate on women's rights in February, when, as a Georgetown Law student, I testified before members of Congress on the issue of contraception.

Without knowing me or my story, Rush Limbaugh called me a "slut" and a "prostitute" on his radio show.

Many Americans stepped forward to tell me they agreed with me, and supported my right to speak out without being verbally attacked. President Obama stood with us.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand? He didn't even condemn the remark, instead saying only: "It's not the language I would have used."

Since that moment, I'm even more resolved to continue the fight to make sure every single woman -- and every man who cares about the women in his life -- knows exactly what's at stake in this election. The Republicans are frighteningly clear on these issues.

The party platform itself includes a "salute" to states that have pushed "informed consent" laws, such as those that force women seeking an abortion to first undergo an invasive and medically unnecessary ultrasound.

Just last year, Paul Ryan joined Todd Akin and more than 200 other Republicans in co-sponsoring legislation that would have narrowed the definition of rape, limiting which victims of rape were "legitimate" enough to receive financial assistance for access to abortion care.

Mitt Romney famously says he would "get rid of" Planned Parenthood if he had the chance. And both Romney and Ryan pledge to go back to a system where insurance companies can discriminate against women and charge us more than men for the same health insurance.

Akin's comments shouldn't be surprising. But this isn't about him -- just like it was never about me.

President Obama has told us what he's fighting for: "I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons."

Republicans, led by Romney and Ryan, have made it clear that they want to make our decisions for us.

President Obama trusts us to make our own.

It's as simple as that. Join me and stand with him today:


Sandra Fluke

Election Day is closer than you think -- make a donation to fund this campaign in the time we have left.

Alex Song - Futbol

Alexandre Dimitri Song Billon signs with FC Barcelona 

He follows in the footsteps of fellow Cameroonian player Eto Fils to become the 7th African player to join the club. The others include  Yaya Touré of Côte d'Ivoire, Seydou Kieta of MaliAlberto Mendonça of Angola and Samuel OkunowoEmmmanuel Amunike from le Nigéria

This is the disgusting politics of professional soccer that pisses me off. And i dont even like the gunners but Song was a great defender for Arsernal and am not sure about the starts but i think he had the most assists.

Any hows..I hope He does well in Barcelona

 He passed his physical...

Oh lord please help me get my dream job of joining the sports medicine team of a professional soccer team. O.K? I'm working on my degrees and Licenses. AMEN!

                     Pics Source: FCBarcelona

Uganda - 1st African country at the Little Leagues World Series

Congrats to the little ones from Uganda for putting Africa on the Little Leagues World Series MAP by being the first from Africa to qualify to play in the Tournament. Africa is blessed with so many natural born talents that just need the necessary training and sport medicine + performance staff/gears to refine their skills...they are like uncut gems, just waiting to be polished so they can show the world their sparkle ^_^.
I will be keeping an eye on this team.
Good luck and all the best wishes for the future.


Pic from Photo/Matt Slocum

Photos left to right: (front) Justine MakisimuStephen LematiaTonny OkelloFelix EnzamaRolence OkonziFred OjerkuTom Agaku (back) Coach Richard StanleyAndrew NamwanjjaDaniel AlioManager Henry OdongJob EchonRonald OlaaCoach Paul Kateregga.

From http://www.oregonlive.comLugazi, Uganda's Daniel Alio, left, tags out Gresham's Hunter Hemenway after Hemenway tried to score on a wild pitch in the fourth inning of a consolation baseball game at the Little League World Series, Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2012, in South Williamsport, Pa. Uganda won 3-2.

Daniel Alio rounds the bases after hitting a two-run home run off pitcher Luis Velis, #7, as Uganda, representing the Middle East and Africa, lost to Panama, representing Latin America, 9-3 in the first round of the Little League World Series at Volunteer Stadium. South Williamsport, PA 8/17/12 (John Munson/The Star-Ledger)
Uganda assistant coach Richard Stanley reminds Ronald Olaa that there are two outs as Uganda, representing the Middle East and Africa, lost to Panama, representing Latin America, 9-3 in the first round of the Little League World Series at Volunteer Stadium. South Williamsport, PA 8/17/12 (John Munson/The Star-Ledger)

A snipet video from always faithful YOUTUBE

August 21, 2012

Birth Control Pills for Men

The buzz around the science world is that scientists have been successful in reducing?/freezing? sperm production in male mouse. Obviously the end goal will be to see if the same can be done for humans = male specie

Read the abstract HERE

I hope to God scientists will be successful in developing a birth control pill for MEN.Its about time they do.

I keep reading all these articles where they quote people saying...OH will be a relief..My husband/bf has been equally worried as i(female) am, about getting pregnant....LIARS!

Since when have men been worried about not having birth control? They have condoms and you cant get some of them to use that even with all the PSAs about STDS and HIV.

JQ1 Mechanism of Action

Men have been happy with not having to shoulder THAT responsibility. Not having to make the choice, effort, or deal with the medical consequences of being on birth control. Even if they practice unsafe sex, at the end of the day, its the woman who has to deal with the pregnancy. Even if they do pay child support, it does not account for the mental /physical stress of being a single mother.

Disclaimer: Obviously there are still some sensible people in the world...WE THANK GOD..who are making the right choices when it comes to family planning and their sexual lifestyle. And this message if not for them

Here are my reasons why men(16 - 25) should be FORCED to be on birth control.

1. 16 + pregnant is a NO NO...Since we cant stop them kids from being sexually active...lets stop them from getting pregnant. Most teenage girls today are on birth control already so the little boys need to catch up.

2. With both partners on birth control, the chances of irresponsible people having kids is greatly reduced. We have enough abandoned and homeless kids in the world stuck in our departments of child protection services.Enough with the selfish acts at the expense of another's life.

3. To the people who say Birth control will make men more promiscuous = more STDs....As if the reverse of this stopped men from being promiscuous. NOTHING ON EARTH can stop a man from cheating if he wants to... even if it will cause him great harm or even worst - DEATH......aka Sexual Suicides in some male animals and insects species

Another Male Birth Control pill: RISUG &Vasalgel - Mechanism of Action. Apparently is already in clinical trials in India and the company's goal is to market it as early as 2015

4. This will reduce the rate of abortions. I've heard of men forcing their girl friends to have an abortion because the man was not ready to be a father...Well finally here's an outlet where you get to have some of the control...instead of relying on women to take the pill, you can control it from your end. No more excuses....I will think that all  rich and poor men who don't want the burden of child support will happily climb the bandwagon....No longer will a woman trick you into staying in a relationship by lying about taking her pills so she can get pregnant with your child.

5. Because am sorry but most men 16- 25 today in this modern times  ....EMPHASIS ON MOST + MODERN*....are not ready to be responsible fathers.....the facts speak for themselves....Gone are the days when men where MEN and had a sense of Duty and Honour. A man's word had value.

6. Because if our government is trying to make abortion illegal for a woman then we have to force men to take pills that will prevent us from having those unwanted pregnancies...double the protection

7. Isnt it ironic that men are okay with all the probing and pricking and surgeries and science that has been done for women birth control but now they say scientists should be focusing their attn on much more important things than birth control for men?

I am looking forward to reading the ridiculous points the same people who justify health insurance coverage for Viagra but not birth control pills for women will have to say about this.

Other method I read about on

Vas based vasectomy

August 20, 2012

Anthony Obame - Gabon

1'st Gabon athlete to win a medal at the Olympic games
He came so close to winning gold. Bravo :)

August 11, 2012

London 2012 UPDATE

I thought i was going to be blogging everyday about my opinions on the different events and etc

Helas! i got too immersed and emotional in the games to bother blogging about my thoughts and feelings.

Instead of giving more publicity to negative events like what those Cameroonian athletes did, am going to highlight the teams and athletes who have inspired me throughout the games.

Not just in their athleticism but their journey to this moment. Irrespective of whether they won a medal or not, there is something to be learned from them. And that is to....


You can apply these life lessons in any facade of life. Whether you are a student trying to do your best to graduate with that good GPA..or a student applying to get into a program...a young professional looking for work or a well deserved promotion, a business entrepreneur about to embark on a new business, and etc....


Douglas: 1 word = RESPECT

Iordan Iovtchev,39 from Hungary and Oksana Chusovitina, 37

from Germany: The oldest gymnasts at the games....Age 

aint nothing but a number. What's your excuse for being a

 young potato couch?

Mexico Men's Soccer beats BRAZIL to WIN GOLD for the 1st time

Lolo Jones: I cant believe the nasty article the NY Times published about her. She is a world record holder for chrissake...she competed and EARNED her spot on the USA track team. A christian and virgin in this day and age....kudos to you my dear for standing strong in the face of all those insults

Because YOUR ACTIONS are the best weapon against your critics/haters

Olga Kaniskina: She came in 2nd but is definitely a force to be respected for setting the pace through out the whole race