January 8, 2022

Taking Stock : Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year ! 2022

It's been a while but as with everyone else, I needed to take a much needed break to;

- Analyze my course of direction

- Cut out what was not working

- Strengthen and plant deeper roots with what was working 

And viola!

I  am now in a space where I have the mental capacity to return to blogging. 

Today's blog post is me taking stock of 2021 since apparently I didn't make a single post through out the entire year.

Making : Art. I took up painting and coloring as a mental health activity

Cooking : Home cooked meals. I have challenged myself to work with ingredients or food items I am not familiar with. For example, winter melon

Reading: I read about 20 books in 2021. I will like to see that number in the 30s in 2022. Here is my IG Books page.

Enjoying: The season am currently in and Deciding to make the most out of it.

Loving: Attempting to love my pandemic weight body

Listening: To a newish sound (Amapiano) out of South Africa. It's my new obsession. If you have a playlist you want me to check it, comment below and share.

Marveling: At how much I have grown in the last 2 years in the middle of a pandemic. I took a lot of risks. Some of them did not pay off. But some did pay off. Lessons where learned all around

Wearing: Dresses. I spent 2021 tapping into my femininity and was happy to swap my pants for some colorful dresses.

Bookmarking: Everything about bitcoins and metaverse and decentraland. I do not want to be left behind!

Opening: Myself to new experiences outside my comfort zone.

Giggling: about online dating and the messiness of that whole universe.

Feeling: Inspired in a way that I have not been in a long while.

Helping: The Houseless. The pandemic and my own experience highlighted the importance of this social cause. 

Celebrating: Resiliency! We are still here, standing strong/weak it doesn't matter. We are standing.

Embracing: The woman in the mirror with each new year. I thank my younger self for doing all the work that has brought me here into the woman I am becoming.


There is so much more to say about 2021.

 One blog post is not enough to summarize an entire year. 
I didn't want to start a new year of blogging without acknowledging the year before.

If you've read this far thank you! 
I invite you to share with me whatever you feel comfortable sharing about your 2021 journey.


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