June 26, 2020

5 reasons to pick up Biking

Before we start let's just get one acknowledgement out of the way

Bike seats are the worst...sure you can do things like add your own padding and what not but, man , is there such a thing as a comfortable bike seat?

It's like a right of passage torture for your butt.
Acknowledgement over.

Here are 5 reasons why you should take biking, especially outdoor biking instead of spinning in a gross, sweaty, steamy, soul cycle classroom.

1. It gives your lower limbs a break from running trauma

2. Strengths the large muscles in your leg such as your hamstrings, quads and glutes.

3. Good for your heart and lungs (Cardiovascular Fitness)

4. Improve Balance and Posture by engaging your abs, trunk, back and neck muscles.

5. Eco friendly option to getting around instead of driving.

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